Chapter 24... An Explanation

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I squint, my eyes fluttering open. Bright white lights burn down on me.

I go to move my arms, but they're restrained. I glance around, spotting the leather straps that hold me hostage. One that runs across my chest, ones on my legs, and my wrists.

I pull at them, "what the- hell!" I yell.

"Oh look, you're up. Hi, stranger." The girl from before says.

I glance up, glaring, and writhing at the restraints.

"Ah, you're upset. Is that because we are holding you hostage, or because of the infection?" She asks.

I glare, "I swear to god that moment I get out of these restraints-"

"You'll do absolutely nothing." She says, placing a hand on my leg. She squeezes it.

"Ah- fuck!" I yell, squeezing my eyes shut.

"Exactly. You won't be able to walk for a little while. Sorry about that, just a.. precaution." She says.

I roll my eyes, letting out a breath.

"What the hell do you want from me.." I mumble.

"Just the answer to a few questions, is all."

I sigh, resting my head back against the pillow behind me, "Ask away then... asshole."

She chuckles a little, "Alright. Where'd you come from?"

I stay silent.

"Look, you're young. We can play this the hard way, or the easy way. Where did you come from?" She asks again.

"A maze.. or something. I'm not really sure. I escaped... and I've been in the desert for.. a little while." I say.

"So you're one of Wicked's lab rats then?" She asks, really to herself.

"Wicked? That.. that made things a little more clear.." I mumble, "Hey wait, where's my bag?" I ask.

"Don't worry, it's safe. In my room." She hums. I glare at her.

She ignores the expression on my face, "Continuing... why are you here?"

"I saw lights in the distance. It took a few days, but I made it... only to be injured, and now look at where I am."

I pull at the restraints.

"Right. What's your name?" She asks.

I stay silent.

"Look, I don't want to hurt you. You seem like a... semi-decent person. Who's been through something. But I have to know who you are before I let you run free." She states.

"Who are you?" I ask, eyeing her.

"Brenda. My names Brenda." She says.

"I'd say it's nice to meet you but, given the circumstances, I'm not so sure it is. The names Y/n." I mumble.

"That's a pretty name." She compliments me, a small smile on her face. She sits down on a metal desk.

Did she just flirt with me? Or is she just being nice... I can't.. no. It's barely been a month.

"Ehm.. thanks.." I mutter. She nods, and the door opens.

"Ah, she's awake." A man says, looking at me, and then Brenda.

"She is. She was one of Wicked's lab rats. Stuck in one of the maze's. I'm thinking Maze A." Brenda replies. He nods his head.

"Hm.. why are you here alone then?" He asks, turning to me.

"I had to leave." I state, not willing to go any further. It hurt too much to think about.

"Alright.. well. You're infected, how did that happen? I thought you lab rats were supposed to be immune." He says.

I shrug, "I'm not sure. I got stung by a greiver..." The looks on their faces show they have no idea what I'm on about.

"They are these massive.. mechanical creatures, in the maze. I think to keep us in. But anyway... I got trapped in the maze, and got stung. Played it cool for a few weeks. But not cool enough... I-" I pause.

"Hurt someone I.. lo- cared for.. then a cure was sent up the box." I mumble.

"We thought it worked.. and it did, for a long time it did. But.. it started to come back. I didn't want to hurt them, so I left."

The two stare at me, glancing at each other.

"We're gonna keep you here for a few days, and monitor it. If it gets worse... we'll have to.. find a way to rid of you. And if it doesn't.. we'll let you stay. Deal?" The man says.

I nod, "Deal.. is there something I should call you?" I ask.

"It's Jorge. Nice to meet you, kid." He flashes a small smile at me. I nod my head, and he exits.

I glance at Brenda, "What?"

She shrugs, "I dunno. But anyway, get some rest. I'll be back in a bit with food, I can tell you're hungry." She smiles at me.

I nod. I watch her hop off the table, and slowly exit the room, as if she hesitated for a second. The door shuts behind her.

I sigh, now left in the bright room, alone, hungry, and heartbroken... still. When does it ever stop?

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