Guild Hall

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After Jam purchased the hall, the old lady went on her way.

"Well I think the partners who found this place should be the first to walk inside," Jam says to Liz and I

We look at each other with grins.

I guess the fact that we'd be the first to walk in was kinda exciting.

I walked up to the doors and placed my hand on one, Liz did the same. Then with one final smirk, we both thrust the doors open.

What happened next was surprising.

Before our eyes, the whole hall seemingly changed.

It went from a rough-looking building to one that looked like it could belong on a floor much higher than this one in seconds.

Everyone's eyes were sparkling and Qweeps mouth was sagging to the ground.

I look for the old lady, I feel like we ripped her off for something that should have been 2 000 000 col. I caught a glimpse and all I could see was a smile on her face.

Liz took the first step into the building, I was right behind her.

Looking around, the hall had a crazy good-looking wood finish.

Not only that but it looked a lot smaller than it actually was, it could hold up to 50 players easily.

"Looks like you picked a great building," Fuji says like a normal person would

"A perfect place for a knight like Harry" She continues back to her usual clueless self

"Harry, Will you accept that you will be the protector of this kingdom" I tease him in a manly voice

He, of course, gets flustered and goes looking around on his own.

The front door leads to a dining table that can hold about 20 people. From there it diverges into two wings. Left is living space and the right is practical space.

The living quarters has 15 rooms and since we only have 8 people, the rest are spares or for another member if we need more space.

The practical quarters holds a training arena that is decent in size. Also, we have the average gym you would find in real life and other rooms like smithing, a kitchen and a library.

Since I'd never owned a room in SAO, I didn't have any personal belongings to move from my old place to here.

The same can't be said for Qweep and Jam. Qweep had a shit ton of useless stuff, and Jam had everything a girl would want in SAO. The rest of us stood around as they dumped everything from their inventories into their rooms

"Interesting" Liz says as she goes through some of Jam's stuff.

"I didn't even know half this stuff even existed in SAO, " Liz continues

"You can't stop the shopping power of a girl, ok" Jam replies

"So I noticed there was a kitchen in the right-wing, can any of you cook," Punisher asks the girls

All the girls suddenly went gloomy, "I haven't bothered with that skill," all the girls say

"Wow good thing I've put some levels in it," he tells them back

Suddenly Jam had hearts in her eyes and grabbed Punisher's hands.

"Really," she says excitedly

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