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When we reached the guildhall Liz and I separated for the first time. Jam walked into the building first to be met with eager eyes.

"Wassup?" I ask walking in. Everyone stared at me with wide eyes. They turned their attention back toward a display.

"Bu--but it said you DIED!" Qweep says out of confusion

"Huh?" I walk over to the display and sure enough, it says; "The lightning Swordsmen has been killed by the 74 floor boss, luckily Kirito with a new skill called duel welding killed the giant beast saving dozens of players

"Typical, he gets all the credit while they think someone has strong as me died, how long was I out for?" I shout out

"An hour or so, I contacted Jam 20 minutes before you woke up" Liz replies

"So your not dead?" Qweep asks for conformation

"No Qweep I'm not dead," I tell him

"How close was it," Punisher asks grimly as he gains my attention.

"Drop dead close, literally," I tell him

"Wow, that close," He responds

"Yea, honestly that article is not half wrong, Kirito did save all of us.....I think," I continue

"Talking on a floor boss is hard enough, I can't image how close it was with just 4 high-level players," Punisher says to himself

"Would not recommend" I joke. Liz punched my shoulder with raises Punishers eye

"You guys di--" He starts to say but my grin answers it all

"At least one thing came out better," He says with a sly smirk

"Just need one more couple," I say with my own

"Who's that? Asuna and Kirito?" He asks

"Nope, it's a certain Punisher who needs his Jam sandwich" I tease

"And Don't think I forgot about your little closet adventure," I finish teasing him as his face flushes red

Sadly, Jam was talking with Fuji and didn't hear this conversation.

"Where is Jenn?" I ask

"Jenn? She was just here?" Punisher says looking around

"Did she see it?" I ask him, "the news?"

"No.......I mean maybe?" he says

"I have an idea," I tell him as I walk to my room

I walk into the room to see it's in the same state as I left it in. I look around until I come across my closet. I open it and sure enough, there is Jenn curled up in a ball.

"Yo," I say to her

"Huh?" She says looking up. When she sees it's me she jumps up and hugs my leg tight.

"Your Alive!" Jenn says between sobs, "I thought you left me!" she continues

"Never, I'll never die when your around," I say as I crouch down so she can actually get a hug.

We stayed like that for a while until someone joined in. They hugged me from behind and I can easily tell it was a girl considering the size of their chest. I narrow it down to two people, Liz or Fuji, Jam and Looky have rather small chests. Due to the circumstances I know it's Liz.

"You know Liz, it's more enjoyable if you hug Jenn too" I declare

"How did you know it was me?" She asks surprised as she moves to the side.

"It's all in the chest," I say. I can see her face get red and we stay like this until my eyes feel heavy and I fall asleep.

How I fell asleep hugging...I don't know.

The boss battle and my 1 hour nap must not have been enough to relief my fatigue.

When I woke up I heard ringing from the doors of the guildhall.

I looked around and see that I'm in my's comfier then the floor.

Jen and Liz musta left when I fell asleep.

I hop out of bed to see its already 2 pm. I get my stuff on and go to investigate. Once I arrive downstairs I see Asuna and Kirito.

"What brings you two love birds here?" I ask. Asuna blushes and looks away while Kirito embraces it

"We need your help," he says sitting down.

"Ok?" I respond sitting down myself

"Asuna wants to leave the Knights of the Blood Oath, but Heathcliff won't let her," Kirito explains the situation.

"The only way he will let me is if Kirito and two others fight Heathcliff and two other strong players of the guild" Asuna continues for Kirito.

"Ok so you want to make the team Me, You, and Kirito, to free you from your duties," I ask

"Y-yeah," Asuna says embarrassed, "only thing is I can't fight for myself, I'm sure the commander will have me fight against one of you" she continues

"I'm in" I declare

"Really!" Asuna says surprised

"Of course, we are the Flash Duo. We have each other's back" I tell her

"Right" Asuna agrees

"Anyway, we were also wondering if Liz would join" Kirito asks

"Sure," Liz says coming from the dorms

"Sweet we got everything then," Kirito says

"Right, when does this take place?" I ask Kirito

"It takes place on October 20, on floor 75 at the new coliseum in Collinia," Kirito says

"I'll be there, and this little raspberry too," I say pulling Liz in for a kiss, her face becomes all red and Kirito being the gangster he is, walked out. Asuna, however, stood there shocked and staring.

"It's rude to stare," I say

"Oh--right, thanks for agreeing to help us," She says as she walks out

"(U/N)! You-" Liz says angrily

"Shhh," I say pulling her in

"I have a bad feeling, let's enjoy while we can," I say peacefully

"Yea," She responds

We stayed in each other's embrace for a long time, I didn't care who saw, after all

I want everyone to know that I love her

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