Attempted Murder

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Olivia POV

It's been a few days since we left our village

"I thought you said there was a village nearby," I complain

"At my speed, it is nearby. At yours, it's a week walk at the least," He says

"Are you saying we are slow?" I ask offended as he chuckles

"Yes, I am," he says as Ivy nods

"I mean, you can move like Lightning right?" She asks joyfully. He laughs and nods

My legs were burning from all the walking. When Ivy was too tired to continue, (Y/N) would just carry her on his back.

I blush a bit at the thought of him doing the same to me.

The sun started to sink below the horizon. We started our normal schedule. I collect firewood, he sets up camp.

I was collecting the wood when I heard a twig snap

"Did you come to help?" I ask as I turn around.

I was expecting to see Ivy or (Y/N)
Instead, a man dressed in black robes

"Who are you?" I ask as he pulls out a Sword

"Your death," he smiles as he rests the blade on his shoulder.

I remember this. This is what I saw in my dream...if that's the case

I know what's coming next.

Even if it's pointless...I can't do anything

"Help!!!!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. The man gets startled but leaps at me with his sword pointed toward my chest.

I close my eyes as I wait for it to impale me.

Instead, my ears start ringing from a loud boom of thunder.

My eyes open to see (Y/N) standing in front of me

"So the man bears his fangs," the guy says

"And the shadow turns out to be expected," (Y/N) says as he pushes the other man back

"Haha, a Swordsmen without a sword," he says laughing

"How pitiful," he says as I hear rustling around us. One after the other, more people in robes came out wielding various weapons.

"Your forgetting something," (Y/N) says as the man looks confused

"You not only defy King Kirito, but you also assaulted him. Your death shall make me a knight for his highness," the man says as (Y/N) smirks

"In the name Lightning Swordsmen. I believe Swordsmen isn't the only thing in that title," (Y/N) says as a bright flash blinds me.

Alongside it, another thunderous boom shatters my hearing as I'm left completely isolated from the world. No sight, and no hearing is frightening when experienced at the same time

When my senses returned, we were surrounded with blood.

(Y/N) stood over the man's corpse with a bloody dagger

"People like that can't be saved," he says as I nod

"Come on, let's get back to camp," he mutter as he covers my eyes. Not like he is hiding much of the sight from me. I already saw most of it.

We return to camp as Ivy bombards (Y/N) with questions about what just happened.

After he satisfied her curiosity, she crawled into the tent and went to sleep.

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