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"Who the fuck is texting me at 8 am on a Saturday morning," I open my eyes in pain...the pain of sleepiness

I look at my phone, to see the group chat blowing up

"(U/N) did you see the new swords!?"-Punisher

"(U/N) we need to get that sword before everyone else!"-Harry

Oh God what are they talking about

"What are you talking about?" I type to them

"Go to the home page of ALO, you'll see," Jam types

Uhhhh, I just want some sleep. I lazily type the URL to ALOs' homepage of the website.

And the first thing I see is

"The greats are here. It's been a while since the victims of SAO have awakened. And as Tribute to those who didn't make it, in two quests you will be able to attain two swords which mimic two of the best players in SAO.

The first sword, NightFall, is a one-handed sword with the special ability to be able to duel weild with another sword, while also introducing new skills. This is a variation of the Black Swordsmen's unique ability to turn the tide of a battle by overpowering his enemy with two blades.

The second sword, Thunderstrike, is a Longsword that grants the user mind-blowing speed. Stories of the Lightning Swordsmen inspire this weapon as he can outrun or outwitting by even the fastest of players. Join the hunt to acquire these abilities of some of the people who fought to end SAO....and were successful. And don't forget, only one person can have these swords, so it's first come first serve,"

"Bruh.....they just gave my a sword that's up for grabs!" I yell in my room

"Shut up!I'm sleeping!" My little brother yells from his room next to mine

"Ya, ya ya ya," I say as I load up ALO. Before I dive in, I tell the others what I'm doing and they are all in.

"Link start," I say as colours rush past me.

When I arrive in ALO, I'm exactly where I thought I would be. In my room at the guild house. However, what I wasn't expecting, was a certain cutey, sleeping soundly beside me.

"I guess she fell asleep while in the game again," I say as I carcass her blue hair. She stirs a bit and continues sleeping. I guess recently, Kate has had trouble with sleep.

Thankfully with full dive systems, she finds it easier to sleep in a game then in real life.

I jump off the bed and head to the main hall. Our guild hall in SAO was WAY bigger. This one, we only have living quarters, no fancy kitchen, or a training room. Have to admit, it kinda sucks.

"So, I say we get this thing," I declare

"I agree, as much as I'd love for (U/N) to actually be able to fight again..." Jam says giving me the stink eye. This is the result of me literally being useless in any battle

"Not my fault....this game took all my SAO stats, I practically had my speed has high as it would go," I defend myself. In SAO, I had a rather low total HP, I didn't see it as an important stat since you can't use much of that extra HP if you never get hit because every attack misses you.

"We can't let his ability go to anyone else, they could easily PK anyone they want," Jam continues

"So how do we start?" I ask

The Lightning Swordsman (Remastered Version)Where stories live. Discover now