The Scream

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We returned to the Hall with the cake stuff.

The four of us were trying to sneak in without other others noticing.

Big word.., try, we failed. Liz stumbled a bit and eventually fell taking Jam with her. Me and Punisher look at each other in shock.

"Liz you klutz" Jam angrily whispers

"Sorry" she replies

Qweep comes walking from the right wing and notices us.

"What's u----" He didn't get to finish and Punisher went full Metal Gear Snake on him and knocked him out

"No witnesses," he says as he drags the body to a room

We all looked at each other with the same look...what the hell just happened

After Punisher was done hiding Qweeps body we continued quietly toward the kitchen.

Once we reached it, Punisher did his stuff as the girls helped him. I kept watch.

I can cook just fine IRL...but baking is another is bearable...but baking...I fear baking

Finally, an hour passed and the cake was done.

I have to admit, it was pretty hard not to drool.

It's been forever since I had food that wasn't plain bread in SAO.

Punisher cut up the cake into pieces and messaged everyone to meet in the kitchen.

In a few minutes, everyone was in the kitchen.

"Everyone" Jam announces. "This cake shall start all of our crazy adventures. Not only will we do adventures but we also will make a guild that will shatter all the other guilds and make them pale in comparison. The first goal to that is making the only edible cake." She finishes proudly.

Her speech was not heard as everyone was staring the cake down. Finally what we all had been waiting for.

"You may eat the cake, " Jam says unimpressed that we didn't hear her speech.

Everyone got a piece, the strawberry cake was something to die for. The girls especially loved it. Once it was all eaten, someone made an appearance. Standing in the doorway was Qweep. He looked like he just woke u----. Right.....he was hidden in a room

"Qweep I---" Punisher tries to say but is cut off

"Say no more, I have accepted my fate," Qweep says nobly

We all start to say something but he continues

"I guess it wasn't meant to be, me and the cake," Qweep finishes with a tear in his eye

"I have travelled boundless terrain to get where I am...all for that savory flavour!" he says like a prince from a Disney movie

"And if appears that you have forgotten to leave me a piece," he says with tears rolling down his didn't last long as a smirk appears on his face

"However, I have some here!" He yells as he springs forth

Looky was the unlucky victim.

She had some cake on her face, but she didn't need to worry about it. Qweep took care of it for her.

He latched onto her and started licking her face. Everyone was in shock. Finally, I kicked him off her and what happened next was unexpected.

"You licked me, now I lick you," Looky says in a devilish face

"No, nooooo!" Qweep screams as she gets closer.

Everyone started leaving the room to save themselves from a terrible scene.

"Harry, help me!" Qweep demands in fear

"I'm sorry man, you brought it on yourself," he tells him

I was the last to leave, and the last thing I saw was Looky mounting on Qweep. I shut the door, then we heard a man scream.

Remind me to never get on Looky's bad side

The quest had taken all day and it was already time for bed.

I said goodnight to everyone and fell asleep as soon as I reached my bed.

Liz POV Dream

I felt great sadness as I was on the ground.

I looked around to see a large number of people lying on the ground like I was.

I tried to move but couldn't...everything was moving slow...why?

I look in the direction everyone was looking at.

I saw the pixels that get emitted when something dies.

Did someone just die?

I noticed a boy behind the pixels, he was wearing all black, at first, I thought it was Punisher but I realized he was a lot smaller.

My eyes were tearing up for no I crying?

I looked beside me to see (U/N) looking at me as he sobs.

I suddenly got chills as his expression of sadness turned into anger.

His body started to emit electricity as I felt his aura get stronger and stronger.

I felt like my soul was about to be crushed by his enormous presence.

What happened to make him like that?

I had never seen him even remotely like that...what happened?

A bright flash blinds me as my ears shatter from a thunderous bang!

I woke up in my bed in a cold sweat...what was that?

My head pounded in pain from the sound I had heard...

"What a strange dream," I tell myself as I tried to go back to sleep.

But the look on (U/N)s face stayed in my head...he looked like he lost someone really close to him.

It was a dream, I'm sure there's nothing to it

I should just go back to sleep.

The Lightning Swordsman (Remastered Version)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora