Dark Territory

854 19 12

Kate POV

Somethings never change...I wish they could...boy do I ever wish they could

(Y/N) has changed my life in so many more ways then he could think. But, no matter what. I don't think he could change this. The way they look at me

The school has become....tolerable but only that. It helps when he is by my side, but when he isn't. I'm faced with piercing eyes. Judging me every moment.

School students can be...unpredictable. They crumble to peer pressure. If your friends do something, your expected do it to do it as well.

I don't know why so many people hate me...it's really discouraging watching the girls of school eye me with hate while the boys look at me smirking...it's sickening.

" I don't see your little boyfriend, did he dump you," A guy says startling me

"Oh, did I scare you, I'll give you something so be scared about," He says as he pins me to the wall

"My place, tonight, what do you say," He says trying to be sexy....he just comes off sounding like a dick.

I try to escape his hold, but it doesn't falter. The rest of the kids watch, they don't even try to help

"No," I say calmly

"What did you say?" He asks as he pins me against the wall harder,

"I said no," I say starting to crumble under the huge glare he is giving me

"You will regret that you b---," he begins to say but is cut off by a solid punch

"I don't think so," Himiko says as she punches him. After the hit connected, she holds her hand in a little pain.

"Another, eh, how about you both come," He says as Carter appears over Himiko's shoulder

"You were saying?" He asks as the guy doesn't act so tough anymore. Carter is a lot taller than him, he knows he shouldn't pick a fight with him.

"Whatever," He says walking away with his hands in his pants

"I can't believe they still treat you so badly, are you ok?" Himiko asks

"I'm fine," I say a bit embarrassed

"The rumours aren't even true," Himiko says as we walk to class

Carter shakes his head in disapproval," it's stupid,"

We reach class and sit together. At least I have some people I know in class

We talk about the class until the bell goes off and class starts. A typical day otherwise. People staring as I hang out with my friends. (Y/N) and James have actually fought other people because of me...and because of that, they can't make many other friends outside our group. All because of me.

School ended quickly and I was headed to meet up with (Y/N), Kirito and Asuna at Agil's bar. (Y/N) was there first sitting and talking with Agil

"Hello Kate," Agil says behind his counter

"Hello," I say sitting down next to (Y/N)

"Nice to see your two, haven't seen you guys since Kirito's party," Agil says

"Why did he get a party and I didn't," (Y/N) mutters under his breath

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