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Olivia POV

" I have to?" I beg as I dread the upcoming task

"Olivia, you need to do it," she says as I pout

"But I don't wanna," I complain as she stares at me

"You're already 20, you need to start doing things you don't want to," she says as I roll my eyes.

"Just do it," I hear father say from the other room

"Fine," I pout as I walk to our shed to grab an axe.

Cutting down's so bothersome

I walk the forest cutting down trees until dark...the easy part is done. Tomorrow is the hard part of dragging them back to the town.

I returned home and took a bath, I was disgusting, I had dirt all over me.

When I exited the bath, my family had dinner ready.

"Come on mom," I hear my little sister complain as mom takes her book away

"You need to eat," she says as my little sister pouts

"But I'm reading about the Lightning Swordsmen!" She says as father laughs

"He is a myth you know. We all know King Kirito has no true equal," he says as I scowl

"Great king he is...leaving us with little to no connection with the other towns," I mock him as father looks at me

"We live very far away from the other would be a bad idea to try and make trade routes with us," he says as I scowl

"He is the king...and we are his subjects. He should take care of us," I complain as father gives me the death stare

"The last thing we want is to make our dislike of the king known...if people find out, our family will be killed by the other townspeople," he says as I frown

"But still," I mutter

"Just eat your dinner," he says angrily. I finish my dinner before I head to my room.

Damn him. If we do nothing, our life won't get any better. I hear the king has improved the lives of many people. But not our village.

I see my little sister come into our room and pull out her book

"So. What can this Lightning Swordsmen do?" I ask her as she gets the biggest grin

"He can go toe to toe with the King...and he moves faster than our eyes do!" She says excitedly.

"He must be a myth, after all. No way something can move so fast that we can't see it," I say as my sister pouts

"But it's true! He moves faster than Lightning!" She says as I play her off

"Oh please, we all know someone can't move as fast as Lightning," I say as she shakes her head

"It's true!" She says

"As dad sad, he's just a myth," I say as she blushes and disagrees with me

"Whatever," she mutters

"Go to sleep now," I tell her as I shut off the lights

"Hey! I was reading!" She says as I smile

"But you aren't right now, go to sleep," I say as she starts rambling.

I close my eyes as I dread what awaits me tomorrow.

I open my eyes to see it's daytime out

"Come on Olivia," my mother says from outside the door

"Time to get to work," she says as I force myself out of bed, I slip clothes on and exit the room

"About time," my mother says as I wave her off

"Here," she says as she passes me a lunch box

"Thanks," I mutter as she smiles

"Goodbye, I love you," she says

"Yeah, bye," I mutter as I shut the door and make my way to the forest.

Slowly, I dragged all the trees to the lumber yard. I was done by midday. And I stopped for a lunch break

As I ate my lunch, I thought about what my sister was saying.

He could equal King Kirito...yeah right.

King Kirito is often praised as the strongest fighter ever. No one could ever defeat him.

I finished my lunch and I started to head home

When I got near my house. I noticed a crowd of people.

"Traitors! Kill them!" The crowd shouted as I watched confused

"What's going on?" I ask one of them as they suddenly grab me with a force that I couldn't overpower.

They threw me right into the middle...and once I saw it, I couldn't help but cry

Mother and Fathers heads were on the ground...and their bodies were headless.

"What happened?" I ask as tears flow out of my eyes

"Olivia!" I hear my sister scream as I see her. I see a person had a knife to her neck

"What are you doing!" I ask as the the killer smiled and smirked evilly

"This family has been declared to be against the King. All that oppose him shall die!" He yells as my world starts spinning

What does he mean? I see my sister is crying under his grip

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! I didn't mean it!!" She cries as my heart breaks

The Knife starts moving. I'm going to see my sister get beheaded...

Why. Why us!

I looked to the sky.


Someone, please help us!

The next moment was something I'd never forget.

One moment, the man was holding my sister. The next, he was dead

My ears start ringing as an extremely loud boom over loops us. My eyes get fixed on a man

He was wearing normal clothes. His (H/C) hair rustled in the wind.

He wielded a small was more as if a dagger. It had been plunged into the killer's chest.

My sister escaped and rushed to me.

And I embraced her with a warm hug as we cry together

"What is this?" The killer asks as he sees blood on his hands

"Your death," the figure says as the man looks at him

"King Kirito will hunt you," he says as the man smirks

"Kirito has tried...and he failed," the figure says as he pulls out the dagger

"You shouldn't die if you get treated right away," he says as the killer collapses

He looks at my parent's dead bodies before he turns to me

"Looks like you can't stay here," he says to me as I nod

"Follow me, I'll help you out," he says as I just blindly nod

"So what're your names?" He asks

"I'm Olivia, and this is Ivy," I say as he smiles

"My name is (Y/N),

you might know me as the Lightning Swordsmen

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