Augmented Reality

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James(Harry) POV

"another hundred some dollars down the drain, " I say out loud as I walk the streets with two new boxes.

"The Augma....can't wait to try it out," I say with a smile on my face.

I pull out my phone and text Riley(Fuji) that I got them. The message is sent and is replied with an excited emoji.

I walk to a meeting place Riley and I planned out.

I see Riley sitting on a bench peacefully.....with her eyes closed.....with guys staring her down head to toe

" many times do I need to tell you that you need to take care of yourself," I say as I start waving the guys drooling over her away

"I'm was just so peaceful I had to sleep a little...," she says ashamed

"It's alright, just be more aware ok?," I ask her

"Yeah....are those them?" Fuji asks smiling

"Yes indeed," I say as my own smile grows

I hand her one of the boxes and we both rip into them. We both bring a headband like thing called the Augma.

"Augmented reality...get ready for MindSwords," I say grinning ear to ear and I place it on my head

It had me follow some setting up options. Didn't take long before I was fiddling around it

"James this so cool, I can look at you and type you at the same time," Riley tells me

"That's seriously what you're excited about?" I hear a voice saying exactly what was on my mind. I look toward it to see (Y/N)

"Yeah! It's really cool!" Riley protests

"Yeah?" He asks us

"You should buy it," I tell him. He starts laughing

"Not till its on sale," he says

"Cheap ass," I tell him with a smirk

"Oy, I like my money," (Y/N) says as he defends himself

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, go find Kate and spend some money on her, eh?," I say

"That's what I'm doing, also, everyone can see you when you're in the Augmented reality don't get too crazy with Riley eh," (Y/N) jokes around

"Go to Kate already, I know that already," I tell him

"But does she?" He asks as he walks away. I look at Riley to see her mouth is open as wide as she can get it

"Riley!" I say as she snaps to me

"What! I was playing first-person Pacman!" She says

"Awwww, now I died," she pouts.

"Dear God," I say under my breath

A few weeks later

"So you're telling me, that they are introducing bosses from SAO in real life?" (Y/N) asks Jam

"Yep in the Ordinal Scale game," Himiko says

(Y/N) looks at Himiko with an unsure look, "listen I'm not too sure about this," he says

"I hear they will give you loads of points if you defeat the boss, the first one is sometime tonight," Riley says a bit excited

"Come on, (Y/N), we are MindSwords we can deal with anything," Kate says looking at him

He looks uncomfortable under Kate's glare

"I'm not sure," he says

"It's fine, if you don't want to do it, then we can do it without you," Carter says slinging his arm around (Y/N)

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