Just Fine

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Olivia POV

We walked in the woods, following the man who saved us

My sister was still crying, but I already lost all my tears so my face dried up in the dry forest.

"Where are we going?" I ask him

"There's a nearby village I think," he says as he brings his arm to his chin

"....Maybe?" He asks himself as I sigh.

Looking at his figure. You could tell he was well built. He was about average in every category.

We walked until the sun started to set.

"We better set camp up here," he says as I nod.

He was hauling around a decently sized backpack. He set it down and brought out a tent

"You pair of sisters can sleep in the tent," he says as I get flustered

"We can sleep outside, I don't want to intrude," I say as he laughs a bit

"If I did that, Kate would kill me," he says with a smirk

"Kate?" I ask

"I'll set up the tent, do you think you could grab some firewood?" He asks as he dodges my question

"Yeah, of course," I say as I kneel down to Ivy's eye level

"I'm going to go grab some firewood ok?" I tell her as she nods while rubbing her eyes. She must be tired.

I start collecting wood.

Poor Ivy. She musta watched Mom and dad die...thinking back, when mom said she loved me...I didn't even say I love her back.

Turns out, I had more tears, they started swelling up my vision as I had to wipe them clear to see where I was going.

"I'm sorry," I mutter to the sky.

I returned with twigs and logs.

"Thank you," (Y/N) says as I nod.

He had the tent all set up and Ivy was already inside sleeping

"Tough day eh?" He says as I nod as we get a fire going

"They were your parents right?" He asks

"Yea. Ivy watched them....you know," I respond as he nods

"Yea, Kirito has this world under his thumb," he says as I look at him

"It is true you can match him in battle?" I ask as he smirks

"I've beaten him before," he says as my eyes widen

"So the myths are true?" I say loudly

"Shhh," he says pointing to the tent

"Sorry," I whisper

"I wasn't aware they were myths, usually they are facts," he says as I look confused

"But your village must not receive the news often," he finishes as I nod. It's true, we often don't get much word from outside our village except for special occasions.

"Oh, I see," I mutter as he grins

"You hungry?" He asks as he pulls out a loaf of bread

"No...not really," I say. This was a lie. I was infact starving.

My stomach growls as I start blushing

"Independent are we?" He says smirking as I blush even more

"I'm 20 you know, I can make my own decisions," I say as he laughs even harder

"20 you say, I was guessing you were 16 at the oldest," he teases as my face gets even hotter. I'm not even sure if it was the heat from the fire, or the giant blush I must have on my face.

"I'm joking, I'm joking," he mutters

"Hmph," I say

He passes me a piece of bread

"Thank you," I say as he smiles

"Yea, no problem," he replies.

We finish eating and we stare at the campfire

"I'm going to head to bed," I say as he nods.

I enter the tent and curl up with Ivy. Compared to me, she is much younger. She's 12, I can't imagine how she must be dealing with things. I remember when she was a baby, we would snuggle up just like this.

I felt my eyes shut, and I feel myself go to sleep

A man with a sword resting on his shoulder stood in front of me. His eyes piercing my soul.

"You die here," he says before the sword impales me

I woke up in a cold sweat as I hear the bird twerp outside.

"Olivia are you ok?" Ivy asks

"Your awake," I say as she nods. Her eyes were bloodshot from crying all day yesterday, but she had stopped now

"I thought yesterday was a dream," she tells me as I hug her close

"I thought so too," I say as she sniffs her nose

"So mom and dad...are really dead," she says

"Yeah," I say as I feel my chest get damp.

"There, there," I say as I stroke her brown hair.

"Look on the plus side, the Lightning Swordsmen is here," I tell her as she looks me in the eyes

"I know...but it's hard to be happy...especially after yesterday," she says

"Yeah," I mutter as I hear groaning outside.

I unzip the tent to see (Y/N) rubbing his neck

"A pillow woulda been nice," he mutters as he wipes the dirt off his face. I giggle a bit from the funny look he had and I could hear Ivy do the same

"What are you laughing at," he mutters

"I didn't notice yesterday, but you look way younger than me," I say as he blushes

"I'll let you know, I'm at least double or triple your age," he says as I look at him with doubt

"Not lying," he mutters as he stands up

"Come on, we need to start moving," he says as Ivy and I get out of the tent and he packs it up.

Before we knew it, we were on the move once again.

This time, (Y/N) was put under pressure by all of Ivy's questions

It seemed to have brightened her day as he interacted with her.

Mom, Dad, I think we are gonna be just fine

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