chapter 5

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I was backstage cooling off feeling as hot as ever. My last performance really got my blood popping. I thank god everything went great. I was freaking out inside I still made it through. I heard a knock on the door to my dress room. I walk over to  answer it with my bee outfit still on me. It was Jay-Z standing there with flowers in his hands "You did a great job, I don't know why you were scared in the fist place". He give me a hug as I looked behind him and notices Beyonce wasn't with him. "Where is Beyonce?" I asked not getting the fact that I'm her. Jay-z pull away from the hug and give me a confuses look. "Ha how funny, I meant to say Keyisha." I quickly say laughing at what I just said. "Honey you sure your feeling good today?" He walked in and close the door behind him. Great now I'm locked up in the dressing room with a man who thinks I'm his wife. " I'm fine just a little tier I guess. Where is she?" I asked again wanting to know where Beyonce is. "Oh she got a call from home so she had to leave right away. She said give her a call."
"Is everything alright?"
" She didn't really say much when she left. Here this is for you." He hand me the bouquet of flowers he was holding. "Thank you, they are beautiful." I reply trying my best to show appropriation. Why would Beyonce leave me all alone. What I'm I suppose to do with her husband. She know I'm not her. I'm only  19 and don't know a lot about marriage. " So what's up with you and Chris." He asked bringing me out of my thoughts. I walked to where my purse was to get my stuff ready to leave acting like i didn't hear him. I knew what he was talking about. He saw everything that went down on stage. I didn't do that because I want to ruin Beyonce's relationship with Jay-Z. I just can't help my self. in case you don't know I'm a big Chris Brown fan. Plus I also have a big crush on him.
"Nothing, it was just a song."
" Just a song huh." I turn around finding him right in front of me. I step back a little seeing that he was so close to me if I were to look at him our lips could have touch.
"See that's what I'm talking about, you just back away from me."

What me, what are you taking about?" I asked playing dumb

"Ever since this morning you have been trying to avoid me."

"How am I avoiding you?

"I don't know you tell me."

"Tell you what?" I question like I really don't know what's going on.

Out of no where I felt Jay-z's lips press against mine. In the some moment the door to my dressing room opened. I pull away from Jay-z as quick as I could to see who open the door without knocking.

"My bad,I just want you to know that I'm leaving." Said Chris looking at me and Jay-z. God why did he choose to came in now when jay-z thinks I'm cheating on him.

" I Will wait in the car." Say jay-z backing away from me and gaze at Chris as if to tell him to back away.
" I will be out, let me just change." I reply behind him.
Hope he is not mad that I didn't kiss him back.

"My bad I should have knock."

"You think?" I reply walking to where Chris was standing.
" I don't think my husband liked the fact you were all over me on stage."

"Come on it was just a song, if your singing about love, you might a least show it. He say leading against the door. "Yeah, he will get over it. Oh I need to change out of this outfit Jay-z is waiting outside." 

"Alright I guess I will see you some  other time." He reply getting ready to leave.

"See ya." I gave him a smile and close the door behind him.

After saying goodnight to everyone. I left the building and walk to where Jay-Z's car was parked. He saw me coming and open the door. I slid in next to him without saying a word. It was dark outside about ten o'clock pm and all I wanted to do is hop into my comfortable bed and sleep.I know that'd not going to happen because I will be spending the night with a person I don't even know. Sure I'm a fan of beyonce,but don't balm me for not knowing anything about Jay-z.

Switch Bodies With Beyonce, A Chris Brown,Beyonce, Jay-z Story(Under Editing) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora