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When you get into the hot water, you let your muscles relax but just as you get comfortable you tense up again as you realise that the hot springs aren't separated. You lightly hit yourself on the head for not thinking about this when you came in here.

Well, if somebody like Fortune does come I have enough to make one portal right now.

The door to the hot springs suddenly swings open and somebody walks in while happily humming to themselves. You slowly turn around and face the person you didn't want here the most, luckily a towel was covering her private parts. You prepare to open a portal but Fortune raises her hands and starts panicking.

Fortune: "W-w-wait!! Please! You're always running away from me... so just this once, let me be with you... I won't do anything, I promise."

You consider it for a second and lower your hand back into the water.

[Y/n]: "Fine, but if you try anything...."

She jumps with excitement.

Fortune: "Yes! I knew you wouldn't refuse me~"

For some reason you get a weird feeling when she spreads her wings.

Fortune: "Now then~"

Your eyes meet for a second and in that moment you knew that she has thought of something, it wouldn't be like her if she didn't do something weird when you're alone with her.

[Y/n]: "Fortune, w-wait!"

She suddenly appeared in front of you with her arms spread, ready to hug you on impact but you open a portal in front of you and another one behind you as she flies into it and falls right into the hot water. It takes her a few seconds but she finally flies out and starts frantically flying from one side to the other.

Fortune: "Hot hot hot hot hot hot, this is way too hot for me!!"

She keeps on mumbling this for a minute as you try to relax, then she suddenly stops and turns to you.

Fortune: "[Y/n]~...Why didn't you catch me!!!!"

For a woman like her to sound this childish and almost look like she's about to tear up is a bit weird and cute at the same time.

[Y/n]: "I did warn you that if you try anything I would run besides, the outcome would have been the same even if I didn't try to dodge it."

Now that her body has accustomed to the heat, she slowly lands into the water beside you.

Fortune: "Hmmm~ I guess I'll just have to forgive you for not running away~"

She sighs with satisfaction as her body relaxes and then lays her head on your shoulder.

Fortune: "This is heaven."

Knowing Fortune and the playful mood she is in, this could escalate.

[Y/n]: "Fortune..."

Fortune: "What~? I haven't done anything, yet~"

Suddenly her arms wrap around your right hand while one of her wings wrap around your whole body and pull you in closer. Her face is so close to your ear that you can feel her quickening hot breath on it.

Fortune: "[Y/n]~ you feel it too right~?"

Oh man, I don't think I even wanna know what would happen if I accepted her offer or how long it would take for her to express her love.

[Y/n]: "Fortune!"

You raise your voice this time and snap your fingers in front of her trying to snap her out of this state. Instead of stopping what she was doing she takes your hand and brings it closer to her mouth, before she could do anything weird again you escape her grip and pull away from her.

Even though you're at your limit you try to open a portal so you could escape, as you open one you feel huge pain go through out your whole body.

Fortune: "[Y/n]..."

She doesn't try to stop you as you slowly move towards the portal but before you can get through you feel something change inside it, the portal itself starts to get distorted. Weird black mist starts to come out of it and before you know it the area you're in is covered in it. You keep trying to close it but the energy you have is not enough. While you keep trying to make the portal as small as possible Fortune places her hand on your shoulder and you feel energy going into you.

Fortune: "This is all I can do, the rest is in your hands."

The portal keeps getting smaller and smaller until instead of mist, black liquid starts gushing out of it and you lose all control of the portal. It slowly gets bigger again and you can see a dark figure on the other side. Fortune takes your hand and pulls you away from the portal.

Dark figure: "Yessss...Finally! I finally predicted it!"

The dark figure crawls through the portal and once she's out of it the portal dissappears. The dark liquid blocks the exit and attaches itself to walls, ceiling, ground and it even consumes the water. Once it's gone it starts to attach itself to Fortunes wings so she wouldn't fly away, you try to get it off of her but then it attaches to your hand and slowly covers yours and Fortunes bodies. You and Fortune try to move but they are strong enough to keep you in place. When you focus back on to the dark figure even though it has no face you could somehow see it smiling.

Dark figure: "Yes, this is great!"

The dark liquid starts to move up your neck and then covers your head, it doesn't stop there though, you can feel it entering through your nose, ears and even your eyes. For some reason you felt no pain while Fortune on the other hand was screaming and thrashing still trying to get the liquid off.

Distant voice: "[y/n]~"

An intense pain goes through your head as you hear someone call your name.

Dark figure: "Hehehe... this will be great to watch, go on [y/n] your free to go~"

In a blink of an eye everything was back to normal but instead of being in the hot springs you were near the entrance to it being held in Fortunes hands while one of her wings was blowing air your way. When she notices that you're awake her worried expression goes away and a twinkle returns to her eyes.

Fortune: "[y/n]!"

[y/n]: "Fortume?What happened?"

You ask her as you slowly get into a sitting position.

Fortune: "You were past out when I found you, you either fell asleep somehow or past out from the heat or something. I was thinking of bringing you to Florence if you hadn't woken up after all this time."

[y/n]: "Found me?"

She looks into your puzzled face and smiles.

Fortune: "Hmm~ You didn't happen to have dreams about me~?"

[y/n]: "N-no! Why would I?!"

Fortune: "Keep telling that to yourself and you might believe it~ as for me, I now know you did~"

You hit yourself on the head for overeacting and stand up.

Fortune: "I guess I'll head into the hot springs then, you can join me if you want~"

She stands up and walks in to the hot springs leaving the door slightly open. The towel that was covering her body now falls to the ground. With a wink and a smile she moves closer to the water but before she does gets in and starts to do something weird you close the door. You stand there for a few seconds letting your mind and body calm down, once you're calm enough you start to look for your clothes. You find them but not where you left them though, you quickly put them on hoping that Fortune didn't do anything to them and then leave. Once outside you breathe in the fresh air that's blown your way and think back to the dream that you had.

Considering that I was pretty tired and could only open one portal... this could have been a dream, right? If it's a dream, it was really real nightmare... like the last time in the dungeon before the fight with Mya and Faith. It could also be a premonition of some sort? The corruption could have also affected me and maybe, just maybe gave me this power, right? But if it was real... did it send me back in time? And where is it now?

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