1.Past memories and another world

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[Y/n]: your name [F/n]: friends name [M/n]: mothers name [S/n]: sister's name
just for those who don't know

I really hate Monday's because the last lesson is math. A perfect way to end the day, but still... I'm not that good at other things so I can't do much about it.

[Y/n]: "(sigh) Well, here we go..."

*Time skip to the lessons end*

[Y/n]: "Finally, glad that's over."

[F/n]: "I agree with that, hey wanna go and get something to eat? I'll pay for the food."

[Y/n]: "Ok."

*Time skip*

After we were done eating, we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. It was getting kinda late, we were talking about stuff and the time just went by so fast.

[Y/n]: "Gotta hurry."

My mom, well she's not my real mother. My parents died in a car accident when I was 7.


I remember waking up barely able to move, I looked in front of me to see how my parents were doing. They both didn't move and were bleeding, I started to cry out of fear. I heard a sound to my right, someone broke the window. I heard many voices all around me, I didn't know what to do.

???: "hey kid, can you move? give me your hand we'll get you out of there! Come on eve????dy w? ?ot to ??rry the other 2 are losing ????d fast..." Then I lost consciousness.

After that I only remember parts of what happened.

So many people around me...so much noise...and somehow I ended up In a hospital.

After a few weeks I was able to walk, so I often visited my mom, she was in a coma. I would usually sit there holding her hand in mine and praying that she would get better, because if I lost her I would be all alone. I knew my dad didn't make it, but I wanted to be sure so asked the doctor to tell me what happened to my dad, but he never told me. My dad's friend came to visit my mother everyday and to check up on me. I had a few weeks left and I would be out of the hospital. My dad's friend decided to take me in until my mom wakes up from coma.

I asked him the same question, what happened to my dad. He decided that I should know and told me that we got hit by a drunk truck driver, and my dad bled out. The one who was driving the truck survived. I hated the one who was driving the truck for the pain that he caused us. I wanted him dead because he didn't even apologise for what he did... He didn't even go to jail for this, his lawyer helped him out.

A few months had past and my mom died. When I heard that, well... I stoped talking, socialising, and eating, and started hating everything about life... I got over it eventually, even another family took me in. It was hard to start a new life but they supported me and with time I was able to feel happiness in me again. There still isn't a day when I don't feel thankful for how much they helped me.

*Flashback ended*

[Y/n]: "I'm home!"

Your mother walks out of the room to greet you with a worried expression on her face.

[M/n]: "Hey, where were you? You could have sent me a message to tell me that you're going to come home late."

[Y/n]: "Sorry."

[M/n]: "(sigh) Anyway, get ready for dinner and tell your sister that it'll be ready soon too."

[Y/n]: "Will do."

I really should have sent a message to her, I don't like to worry her because she already works a stressful job.

You walk upstairs and knock on your step sisters door.

[Y/n]: "Sis, dinner will be ready soon!"

[S/n]: "Ok!"

*After dinner*

[Y/n]: "I'm going to bed, g'night."

[S/n]: "Hey bro, wanna play a card game before you go?"

[Y/n]:" Sorry, maybe next time."

[S/n]: "Awwwww~ Well, g'night then."

*In your bedroom *

You lay on the bed with your eyes closed and think about what happened today and what will happen tomorrow.

[Y/n]: "School sucks..."

School makes me really tired, especially on Mondays.

You hear a sound and feel the temperature around you getting warmer. You don't pay much attention to it though. You hear something fall on the ground this time and when you open your eyes you see a... PORTAL!?!??

[Y/n]: "WHAT THE!!?!?"

You start to panic, and back away from the portal until your back hits the wall. A females voice is heard through the portal.

???: "Human, you've been selected to help us. Come through, if you accept."

[Y/n]: "What? Me? Why?"

I don't want to leave my family but, experiencing something new would change my life for the better... or worse.

???: "I can't hold the portal open forever you know, so please hurry and if you're worried about coming back to your family don't, you will have the chance to come back to them."

I hesitate but start walking towards the portal. I stop in front of it and rethink if I really should go. After a minute of thinking I step through the portal.


Darkness, nothing but darkness.


You close your eyes thinking that you made a bad choice and then you hit the ground. You open your eyes and look around. It's some place unknown to you.

You look around again and...

[Y/n]: "What is this place... a forest... oh no, I don't like where this is going."

You stand up and start walking in to a random direction, though being cautious and expecting to find "something" that would help rather than "someone".


You've been walking straight for quite a while now. an hour? no, maybe two? or even more.

[Y/n]: "How big is this place, there's no end to it..."

Just as you finished that sentence, you heard something behind you.

You instantly turn around...

[Y/n]: "Who's there!!"


It's just my imagination I hope.

???: "There you are!!"

You jump back, thinking that she might attack you.

???: "Calm down."

[Y/n]: "Woah, don't scare me like tha-"

???: "What's with that face? Oh right! You're new, so you dont know much about this world. I'm a dragon furry and I will be here to assist you, oh and my name is..."

(please dont judge me, It's my first book, I don't know if it's good or bad but I'll just keep writing and we'll see how it goes. Anyway thanks for reading. Have a nice day!)

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