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I feel like she's getting unnecessarily mad.

You place your hand on her cheek and the fearsome expression goes away and is replaced by a cute blush that you like to see on her. You didn't stop there though, before she could recover from that little moment you placed your hand on her head and gently pushed it on your chest. After that you started patting her head just like you did a little while ago. She didn't protest against it and seemed to enjoy it.

[Y/n]: "You know that that's not the way to ask someone a question right?"

She snuggles up to you even more and nods.

[Y/n]: "I'm actually really happy that I'm not the only one who is in this situation but at the same time I'm worried about all of you."

If there are more worlds like this, the others could have been thrown into a world that's worse than ours.

She stays silent as the blades behind her disappear.

[Y/n]: "Oh and thanks for coming to save me."

Her hands slowly wrap around you.

Jane: "Now, you-"

The door to your room opens and before Helen could see Jane on top of you, she quickly got off and was now  standing by your side with a red face.

Helen: "So! How did you like the soup?"

She smiles at you as she closes the door behind her.

[Y/n]: "Well, to be honest..."

Because of your tone Helens ears slowly dropped down before you could say what you think about it which made you stop and rethink your answer.

There's no way that she made that soup Right?

You think of a way to try and not hurt her feelings and come up with an answer.

[Y/n]: "It's-"

Jane: "Terrible."

[Y/n]: "Jane, that's not nice."

You whisper that to her but she doesn't seem to care.

Jane: "If she wants my approval she'll have to try a lot harder than that."

Helens ears went up after hearing that, she seemed a little more determined now.

Jane: "I'm curious though, did you put medicine in that soup or are you that much of a failure and can't make a simple thing like soup."

Helen: "I've heard and seen others putting medicine in their soup to help people recover faster. Isn't it great how you can eat and get medicine at the same time? I'm just not sure why it's so bad unless you're just jealous that you can't make it as good as me."

Now that you think about it, you're not sure if you've eaten Jane's cooked food before.

Jane smiles at her and points to the warm soup on the table.

Jane: "Try it~"

Helen: "[Y/n], did she put anything in the soup to make it taste bad?"

[Y/n]: "I don't think that she did, unless she gained some power to move faster than I can see."

Helen: "I see."

Helen walks up to the table and picks up the spoon. Before she could even taste it she already started sniffing the air.

Jane: "The smell is certainly... unique but it only prepares you for what you're about to get in your mouth."

Helen observes the soup for another minute and then finally tries it.

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