76.Into HER mind.

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Helen walks up to the door and opens it for the two of you. You and Jane walk into the building and Helen heads in after you. The three of you walk into a hallway and before you could reach any of the doors you see Florence walk out of her resting room and she seems to have noticed you too as she starts walking towards you. When you finally get close to each other to talk, something about Florence's expression tells you that whatever she's going to tell you it might worry you.

Florence: "[y/n], we have to talk..."

She glances at Jane and Helen.

Florence: "...preferably in private."

You look at the two of them and while Helen nods, Jane gives her a very suspicious look before noticing that you're looking at her.

Jane: "As long as you're not too far away from me then it's fine."

After hearing Jane's words Florence's serious expression gets replaced with a warm smile.

Florence: "We're not gonna be leaving this building Jane, so you don't have to worry~ Anyway, I'll need you two to wait here, a few guards with special marks on their shoulders will pass through here and if you tell them that you came with [y/n] they will lead you to our meeting room."

Jane: "Meeting room?"

Florence: "You'll understand once you'll get there."

Jane: "What are you planning?"

Jane's voice gets a bit more serious as she stares at Florence with even more suspicion. You know that Jane is only trying to protect you but even in this world you still trust Florence enough to put your life in her hands, so you place a hand on Jane's shoulder to try and help her relax a little.

Florence: "I'd rather not speak about it here or anywhere else for safety reasons."

You can tell that Jane is getting a bit impatient and before she could ask any more questions you squeeze her shoulder to get her attention then take out the small bag that Maria gave you and give one pill to Jane.

Florence: "Aren't those...Why do you have them? I doubt that you have that much power that you'd need these suppressants, the only thing that these will do is leave you without powers for a while."

Maria didn't mention that these are suppressants, then again it could be a variation of the same thing... and why would anyone want to suppress their power? I'll ask about it later, I guess...

[Y/n]: "We have a bit of a...problem when-"

Florence: "Leave it at that, there's enough of those already, we'll talk about it once we're done here so it's best that you don't take it yourself, otherwise it might interfere with what we're gonna do."

Jane takes the pill and puts it into her pocket.

[Y/n]: "Don't forget to use it, especially if-"

Jane: "Once you'll be near me and I'll know that you're safe, I will."

Stubborn but not without a reason I guess.

[Y/n]: "Fine...just don't wait until the last minute to use it..."

Jane nods and you turn to Florence.

[Y/n]: "Lead the way."

She takes your hand and leads you into their training room, which is still filled with creepy puppets that they use for training. She stops near a door with a few locks on it and instead of taking out her keys she places her hand on the door and the locks fall off and dissapear like dust in the wind. She then opens the door and pulls you into the small room which has two things in it, a closet located on the left side of the room and a bed in the middle with somebody in it but you can't tell who it is since their whole body is covered with a blanket.

Florence let's go of your hand and approaches the bed to remove the cover and when she does it reveals the girl that still hasn't woken up yet, looking even more pale than the last time you've seen her.

[Y/n]: "Is she...?"

Florence: "No."

She turns to the closet and walks over to it. she then pulls out two chairs and places them next to the bed.

Florence: "But she might, if we delay this any longer."

After placing the chairs she walks back to the closet and pulls out something very familiar to you.

Florence: "She brought these to me."

She comes closer to you and hands you your sword and mini crossbow.

[Y/n]: "Why would she bring these to you? There's no way she knew that you were looking for me...so how?"

Florence: "I...honestly have no clue... I know that she gave these to me but the rest is a complete blur... is that why you're using the pills? Did she find a way to get into someone's head while using their energy?"

[Y/n]: "No but what it does to me and Jane is completely different, hopefully this only happened to you and Maria otherwise this will bring a lot of trouble."

She closes her eyes and sighs heavily.

Florence: "Let's talk about it later then, for now..."

She opens her eyes and turns to the sleeping girl on the bed.

Florence: "We've got a more urgent problem to deal with. Come, we should get started."

She sits down on one of the chairs and you sit on the one next to her after putting your gear on.

[Y/n]: "Will this really work?"

Florence: "It's tested and it worked perfectly when I acted as a.... beacon of sorts, if you try to enter someone's mind alone something triggers in it and it completely destroys itself, you can save a bit of it...if you're fast enough but..."

She goes silent for a second which makes you a bit uncomfortable knowing that has probably happened to someone.

Florence: "...But if you do it with two people while one acts as a beacon and get into their mind, for some reason the trigger doesn't activate for how long though or if we even have a time limit I can't say especially on a mind like ours but it would be wise to get in and get out as soon as possible."

[Y/n]: "So you haven't tried it on-"

Florence: "No! There's no way I'd try something so dangerous without being sure that it'll work, even now I don't want to do this but if we don't... she will..."

For a second you thought that she tried it on a real mind but now that you know that she didn't, it helps you feel a bit more at ease.

Florence: "Are you ready?"

You nod.

Florence: "Let us begin then, give me your hand and close your eyes."

You close your eyes and extend one of your hands towards her which she gently takes into hers.

Florence: "Try not to think too much about our current problems and try to focus on my hand."

You do as she says and after a minute or two you feel energy going into your hand, it slowly reaches your upper body and after a few seconds it reaches your head, that's when your whole body goes numb and you lose consciousness.

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