34.End of the training

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You get in to a fighting stance and prepare for an attack. You look around not wanting to get attacked by surprise and notice a ball made out of water floating towards you. The closer it got the faster it was moving towards you.

They have the advantage in here, I need to find a way out of here.

Ellen: "Just to make it harder for you, don't use your portal."

You have got to be kidding me, now I'll have to run while getting attacked by both of them.

[Y/n]: "Great."

You turn around to run but the trees block your way.

There weren't as many trees before where did they come from!?

Grace: "There is no escape from this, unless..."

Don't tell me they want to see how can I escape from situations like this, is that how they understand how to fight their enemy. I guess I do have to use it here, even if that floating water thing is not as dangerous as I think, I still need to be careful.

You grip your sword as white flame envelopes it. You then swing your sword slashing the trees in your way in half.

Isabella: "You got a lot stronger, I wonder what other tricks you have that we haven't seen."

You look behind you trying to find where the voice came from but you notice the orb right above you, it was spinning really fast.

Isabella: "Spike storm."

You instinctively jump over a log behind you and take cover behind it as tons of spikes shoot out from the orb. You couldn't move to any other place as the spikes were hitting everything, some were flying right above your head. The orb was getting smaller and smaller until finally it disappeared.

Isabella: "I thought I could hit you with that but guess I was wrong."

The flame enveloping your sword slowly fades away as you get up to check your surroundings. Nothing but trees surrounding you and the danger of getting attacked again.

Grace: "You seem lost."

I don't know which way I came from. As if Grace heard what you said, she answers you.

Grace: "Can't help you with that but I'm sure you will think of something."

You look to your left, then right thinking of which way to go. You choose to go right. After a couple of minutes of walking straight you turn around and go back. You go to the left this time, a couple of minutes of walking again and the thing you have been waiting for happened. Grace jump down from the tree that she was standing on and took out her daggers.

Grace: "I wouldn't go that way if I were you."

[Y/n]: "So you will be blocking my way out of the forest?"

Grace: "Obviously."

She sheathes one of her daggers and keeps the other one in her hand. She throws that dagger at you but you dodge it, you follow the dagger with your eyes as it hits a tree.

Grace: "You should focus on me."

You couldn't even turn your head to face Grace as you were hit in the stomach and sent flying in to a tree.

That hurt...She didn't hold back at all...

You hear footsteps coming towards you. You look up to see that it was Grace.

Grace: "Is that it?"

You grab your sword that was near you and get up. Grace takes out her second dagger and starts running towards you. When she gets close she tries to stab you but you grab the hand that she was holding the dagger with, the sharp dagger was right in front of your face. You use all your strength to push her back and while doing so you notice a figure on a tree.

Isabella: "Sorry I'm late."

You look to your side and notice the dagger that Grace threw at you before.

Grace: "No point in doing this then."

She jumps back as you quickly pull out the dagger and throw it at Grace expecting to leave atleast a small wound on her but she catches it.

Grace: "Thanks!"

She disappears in to a shadow.

This is not what I expected...

You look to where Isabella was but she wasn't there anymore.

Where did both of them go?

You feel a presence to your left and right and for some reason you remember the nightmare that you had before.

Not this, why now?

You see it right in front of your eyes as Fortune gets stabbed.

I...I won't let this happen again, not to Fortune or anyone else.

You close your eyes and when you open them you feel energy surging through you. You stab the ground with your sword sending a huge shockwave around you and sending them flying back.

Grace: "Uhh."

Isabella: "That... hurt."

Grace: "Yeah, that was something else."

You feel really weak after using that new ability and fall to your knees. You look up to see if both of them were alright. Isabella gets up first, she almost fell to the ground again but managed to hold her balance. She walked up to grace and helped her up.

Grace: "Hey [y/n]! You ok?"

[Y/n]: "Yeah, I just don't think I can walk back to the village without your help."

Grace: "Let us help you then."

They get to you and helped you get up. You were leaning against both of them as you were going back to quinfall.

Grace: "That was a powerful blast."

[Y/n]: "Yeah, I never felt this weak before after using an ability."

Isabella: "Then it's your first time using it?"

[Y/n]: "Yep."

Grace: "Did you remember something bad?"

[Y/n]: "Why do you ask?"

Grace: "I saw the look in your eyes."

[Y/n]: "I-I don't really want to talk about it."

Grace: "Of course, not gonna force anything out of you, but when you do feel like talking come to any of us."


[Y/n]: " I know."

Isabella: "Now back to what you did wrong at our training."

[Y/n]: "Huh?"

Isabella: "At first we got scared that you would walk out of the forest..."

You're joking...I was going the right way at first but the plan I had in my mind didn't work and I decided to go back.

Isabella: "But then you turned back and went the other way. On anyone else it might of worked but on us it won't. You wanted to know where the exit was and thought that we would be protecting it. But you did well, Ellen could teach you more, you have the potential... As expected."

[Y/n]: "Now that you mention her, where is she?"

Grace: "She watched a bit of our fight but then Isabella told her to leave and I'm glad she did, she could have got hurt."

[Y/n]: "That makes me feel better."

The three of you got back to the village. Selene meets you there and helps you get to Florence.
(I should be making 2 parts a week but I am a bit too lazy right now, but from next week I should be making two parts again. I hope your not too mad at me. Anyway hope you enjoyed, have a nice day☆)

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