16.Hatred for wolf's

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You turn around to see who it was.

???: "Amy is that really you?"

Amy: "Mom! You came!"

???: "Of course I did."

They both ran in to a hug.

They both ran in to a hug

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The woman turned to you.

???: "Thank you...Thank you so much!"

Amy: "I miss you so much even if we were separated not for long."

???: "I miss you too."

Amy: "Mom, the person in front of you is [y/n] he is the one that everyone been talking about."

Beatrice: "I would have never thought that I would meet the hero of this world, name's Beatrice it's a pleasure to meet you."

[Y/n]: "Nice to meet you too."

You get closer to Amy and pet her, she seems to like it.

[Y/n]: "So getting to the real problem, can you get back to your village?"

Beatrice: "I don't think I want to go back there and I think that they wouldn't let me in or kill me on sight."

[Y/n]: "Doing what they did is just unforgivable."

Beatrice: "I agree with you."

[Y/n]: "Then we should go and ask Catherine if you can stay at our village."

Beatrice: "Catherine? Oh you mean the queen of quinfall, i don't think she would let us stay."

She said with a sad face.

[Y/n]: "Trust me on this."

She hesitantly moves closer to you and in a bit of walking you get to the gates. When you got in and started moving towards Catherines throne room all the other furrys looked at her with rage in their eyes. Guess something happened between wolf's and all the other villages.

[Y/n]: "Don't worry if anything I will protect you."

You three get to Catherine without anything bad happening to her or to you.

Catherine: "[y/-... why did you bring her here?"

She doesn't seem too happy about what you did.

[Y/n]: "I'm not gonna leave them out there even if you don't like it."

Catherine: "Listen I understand what your doing, but it's not only me that doesn't like it but the whole village!"

Beatrice: "I knew I shouldn't have come here."

[Y/n]: "hey Catherine if you want her to leave I'll be going with her."

Beatrice/Catherine: "WHAT!?"

Catherine: "You can't do that!"

Beatrice: "Why are you doing all of this for us?"

[Y/n]: "So what will it be?"

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