Chapter 4 - 〇 or X

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Hwang Shin-young's POV

We were escorted back into the main room. No one even dared to speak, it was very fucking silent. I saw Player 67 alone. I went beside her and stayed quiet. "Why did you help him earlier?" She questioned. Who? Oh.. Player 199 "Because he needed help. Plus, I can't let a very kind man die, he's too sweet to be here" I replied. "Bullshit" she mumbled under her breath and walked away from me. Seriously, what an asshole.. I scoffed.

The room was still silent until I heard a loud alarm. The metallic entrance opened, revealing the masked people once again. "You have all made it through the first game. Congratulations, I will now announce the results of the first game"

The large screen went from 457 down to 201. Damn, that's a lot of kills. Not as many as mine though.. I shrugged my shoulders.

Everyone gasps and I heard murmurs everywhere. Suddenly, a lady began to beg on her knees. "Sir! I'm so sorry. I'll make sure to pay off my debts. Please Sir, I have a child. I haven't named my baby yet, please let me live." After that, more and more people started begging.

"There seems to be a misunderstanding. We're not trying to hurt you or collect your debts. Let me remind you that we are here to give you a chance."

"A chance? You call this a chance? You kill us while making us play a kids game. How is this a chance?"

"We may be in debt but that doesn't mean we deserve to die."

"You killed all those people, yet you call this a game?"

"Do you think you'll get away with everything you're doing? The police will barge in any minute now to find us, who've been missing!"

"He's right. If you don't let us go, they'll locate us by tracking our phones and find us! Then you'll be doomed!"

The squared masked guy shot a bullet in the wall to shut people up. Everyone ducked down except for me. I sigh and looked at all the players.

"Did you all just forgot the consent forms that you've signed? Consent form Clause 3: Games may be terminated if the majority agrees. Let us take a vote. If the majority wishes to leave this place, then you guys must let us go." I spoke up. Players began looking at me in amusement. Seriously, they all forgot about it?

"As you wish, we will take a vote to decide whether we will terminate the game or not. But before we do that, let me show you the amount of money you're playing for." The masked person grabbed the remote and pressed a button, showing the large piggy bank from above. It began to fill up with money, making the players have second thoughts.

"A total of 256 players were eliminated during the first game. 100 Million Won is at stake per player. Therefore, 25.6 Billion won has been accumulated so far. Since there are 457 players, the total prize money is 45.7 Billion won. If you wish to stop playing, the prize money that has been accumulated during the first game will be sent to the bereaved families of the late players, 100 Million won each. However, you will all return home empty-handed. With that, let the voting begin."


The voting was done in reverse, which means Player 456 will get to vote first (just imagine Player 457 died sjdndndndjdjdn). I noticed the lady who was begging on her knees earlier chose the green button. The fuck? Does she not care about her child? Or did she just make an excuse in order to leave this game? I scoffed.

It was finally my turn, I walked up to the buttons and didn't hesitate to pick the green. Others looked at me shocked but I don't fucking care. Excuse you guys, but I'm staying.

After some time later, Player 001 finally walked up to the buttons. The votes were now 100-100. I hope he picks the green button. After all, he seemed to be enjoying the first game. Player 001 was staring at the buttons, choosing wisely. He glanced at the scoreboard and pressed the red button.

I felt like my soul left my body, as I was speechless. Half of the players were cheering, while the other half groaned and sighed in defeat, including me.

"The majority of the players have voted to terminate the game. Therefore, this game is now terminated."

"Hey! Anybody who wants to leave can go. But let the ones who picked the green button stay. Half of us died already! We can't just stop here!" A man said.

"It truly is a pity that we must say goodbye to you like this. However, we will not completely seal the door of opportunity for you. If the majority of you wish to participate in the game again, we will restart the game. So, goodbye for now."


The vehicle finally stopped. I grunt as I felt myself being pushed down on the cold floor while my eyes are completely blindfolded. There was a tie around my hands and feet. I was kind of an expert when it comes to these situations. After all, I was taught by a motherfucking Mafia leader. I untied my hands and was about to remove my blindfold when I heard someone speak.

"Help! There's a person here! Is anybody there? Over here!"

"Will you shut up?" Wait, that voice sounds kinda familiar. I removed my blindfold and just what I expected, it was Player 67.

I sigh and untied my feet. I went up to half-naked 67 and was about to remove her blindfold until she started grunting. "Oi! Stop moving will you? I'm trying to help you know." I said and I removed her blindfold. She stared at me and started staring down my body. That's when I realized I was also  fucking naked. Shit... Those guards really are fucking perverts. Aishh...

"Hey, stop staring at me will you" I said to Player 67 and she quickly looked away, her cheeks slightly turning red. I chuckled slightly before untying her hands and feet. I helped her stand up and proceeded to wear my clothes. I searched for my pockets to find my phone. I checked the time and it was 3:54AM. Shit..I don't have a place to stay. I was about to walk away with 67 when suddenly, I heard Player 456 speak up again.

"H-Hey! Untie me will you?"

Player 67 smirked. "Once I untie you, you'll hassle me and demand your money back."

"I'll forget about the money. Just untie me will you?"

67 turned around "Do you mean that?"

"Yes, I really won't say anything about the money."

"How can I trust you?"

"I-I swear it on my mom."

She chuckled "Wow. You're really swearing it on your mom?". Player 456 nodded. "Just untie me now. It's freezing God damn it!"

67 walked towards 456 and untied him. Once he's now untied, he stood up. "Darn it. Come here. My money...Give me my money back!" He hopped like he was imitating a bunny. He was struggling and fell on the ground.

I chuckled "That's all your mother means to you? Wow. I really feel bad for your mother." I heard 67 chuckle as well. I now walked away from them, still hearing 456's yelling.

Huh...You can still participate in the games, eh? I'll call them tomorrow. I will visit Eunjin at the orphanage later but for now, I need to find a place to stay.
(A/N uhhhhhh, second chapter for today I guess? (・∀・))

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