Bad Egg

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Kayla in the huttsgloar watching with rest of of the people seeing rescue riders showing tricks. Kayla look at her 10 year little friend.

Kayla's friend: this is great... In few weeks you are going to ace the speech about dragons and humans... !

As she said happy and Kayla was smiling.

Kayla: yea...but I'm not going to give the speech beside, my voice been going off for while...

Kayla's friend: singing?

As she smirk.

Kayla: ok yea good point.

As they laugh little

Tonight around later near the midnight. Rescue riders came to her house and knock on the door as Kayla came outside.

Kayla; guys it middle of the night..

As she yawn.

Leyla: sorry we need your help... also we found the egg and turns out it was Magnus inside of egg and now it was taken by Iornclaw dragon...

Kayla: ok why would he in the egg also he would just leave.

Winger: well it turns out that Cutter glue him inside and before Magnus took Leyla's diary...

Kayla; ok...

As she close the door and went with rescue riders to fine the egg with Magnus inside of it.

As in the morning as they finally soon got to the mountains.

Cutter: come in guys we are almost there!

Aggro: someone's feeling a little guilty.

Burple: no, I'm just feeling tired.

Kayla: she meant Cutter, Burple.

Burple: oh that would make sense...

Winger: let's split up to find the best to cover more grounds.

Cutter: I'll find it with my super vision. I promise.

Dak; alright gang, let's wing it!

As they flew off around the mountains to find the nest.Till while later they gather a mile away from the egg.

Kayla soon look at Cutter.

Kayla; you do know that the mother will come back at every minutes if they had eggs even baby dragons.

Cutter: hey how am I supposed to know...

As they soon look at the nest. And see the mother dragon is still with the nest.

Cutter: anyway, she there. But I wouldn't go over there.if I were you.

Leyla: did you see my diary?

Cutter: it must be still inside with Magnus.

Burple: can't we wait for her to leave the nest?

Aggro: after Cutter tried to snatch that egg. She not going anywhere!

Burple: looks like Magnus will have to live the rest of his life as a Silvertailed Ironclaw.... Maybe he will be happier.

Kayla: no, he won't...

Leyla: there something in my diary about Slivertailed Ironclaw that might help... wait Kayla you know....

Kayla: like I said, I haven't seen those dragons for long time since you guys came here.. my mind is not going to remember that much but I do know water is her weakness or not... we can try that but better on the ground not in the mountains. But she not going anywhere.

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