Chapter 27

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Lottie POV

My body shook with terror as I saw my baby in the arms of a person who was going to hurt him.

"P-please, don't hurt him. He's just a baby" I cried frantically.

"Well this isn't my fault. If your mate hadn't of stolen my mate from me none of this would be happening! Even if it did happen though, he should have thought about the consequences, this is his fault" He spat growling at me but I looked at him with confusion.

"Stealing your mate? Mason may be cruel but he would never do that!" I reasoned with him but he just shook his head his eyes narrowing down at me.

"He is the reason everything bad has happened to him. I actually feel sorry for you, Lottie. You are stuck with a mate who has so many enemies its a surprise that one of your children havent died already" He spat.

"Don't you dare say that about Mason and my children!" I spat getting out of bed, my legs wobbled but I balanced myself as good as possible continuing I said "Now, your mate may have rejected you for him but it was under her choice not his" I stated crossing my arms over my chest slowly moving closer to him. Noticing my movement he stepped back his hold on my baby tightening.

"I know what your trying to do, its not going to work. Now, your mate should be here in a few seconds... Ah speak of the devil and he shall appear" He smirked as he turned his face, looking over I saw Mason standing at the door, his face held anger and pain, his breathing heavy.

"Let. My. Child. Go." He gritted through his teeth, his eyes looking down at me, probably seeing if I had any bruises, once he saw that I was fine he glared at the man.

"I wouldn't be glaring at me, Mason. If you hurt me in any way, shape or form I won't hesitate to kill your baby boy and we wouldn't want that now would we" He smirked tauntingly at Mason almost daring him to hurt him and I felt sick with disgust.

"You know Mason, you really are stupid. I thought you would have figured it out by now, I mean I heard your conversation between Tyler. Didn't you think it was strange that I had wanted to come into this pack a little after Bella died? Didn't you realize that I had the same name as her mate, that I could have been that same person? Really Mason you are stupid" He spat at the end.

I looked over at Mason to see him glaring at the man, but I saw a flicker of his pride getting hurt. I could tell he was hurting himself over not figuring out who this man really was quickly.

"Aww has the big bad Alpha's pride been hurt" He said mocking a fake sadness. "Now seeing as my plans of revenge has failed. I'm just gonna top this up a notch and start it now" He smirked at Mason.

"But why? Sure, I was the one for Bella rejecting you but you were the one who beat her up after she had come back to apologize for rejecting you in the hopes of you taking her back" Mason growled.

"Is that what she told you!? That I had beaten her up? The nerve of that girl. Yes she had called me back telling me she wanted to talk to her but it wasn't because she was hoping I would take her back" He growled shaking his head.

"We talked but it wasn't about getting back together, no it was about how she said that she wanted nothing to do with me and that she wanted me out of this town. She even had the nerve to tell me you and her were going to get together and once she was made Luna she would make sure I would be living a hell made life if I didn't get out by the next day" He stated his eyes darkening with anger .

"But I guess you didn't know that right? Did you get tricked by her 'kind' attitute? Did little miss Bella make it seem like she was the innocent girl? Didn't you know behind that facade she was actually a slut? I guess its understandable that you didn't know seeing as she always covered her scent up but it kind of failed the night I last saw her when I realized what a true bitch she really was" He stated his hand tightening on the blade.

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