Chapter 50

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Lottie POV

I knew.

I knew right then and there how badly this was going to turn out.

Mason wouldn't be able to get to me in time, and Bates was already a few steps away from me.

My eyes widened as I saw the smug look on his face as he looked at me.

Scrambling up I tried to run as fast as my legs could take me but it was no use, Bates grabbed a fist-full of my hair pulling me back a scream escaping my lips at the sudden pain my scalp had been given.

"You bitch." He growled into my ear. "You dare act this way when all I want is for my mate, your mother to be here with us so we can be a happy family again." He roared.

Clawing at his face I managed to get out of his grip as he growled at the sudden pain.

"You're a sick bastard. You are not my father!" I shouted spitting in his face as I scrambled to get up.

"No you don't." He growled grabbing my shoulder and slamming me back down my body falling backwards as I yelped.

Bates looked down at me a glare on his face as he looked at me with disgrace.

"I should of killed those bastard children while I still had th-" He was suddenly cut off as I saw Mason jump over me and ramming into Bates body.

He growled at the sudden interruption, his body changing into his wolf form.

His mouth snapped at Mason threatening him but Mason just growled back at him with so much anger.

"You need to get up and run. Protect our child." Mason mind-linked me.

Without thinking twice, I ran from the scene my arms hugging my stomach protectively. I would not make the same mistake twice like I had done with the boys.

Sprinting, I was lucky that the wolves from Bates pack had not yet arrived to where Bates and Mason was giving me enough time to escape. But I knew it wouldn't be enough with how out of breathe I was already.

I could see Celeste and the other 2 running towards me, their eyes wide and frantic.

They were saying something but I couldn't tell what they were saying. Celeste changed back into her human form. "Watch out!" She screamed.

But it was too late, I let out an ear splitting scream as I was suddenly chucked up into the air. My body flying landing hard on the ground.

The end.

Thank you to all for reading this book. I have thoroughly enjoyed righting this book.

How did you all like it?


Just kidding lmao. Continue reading :P haha

I screamed out as my back hit a branch that musts have been sticking out.

Touching my back I winced, pulling away immediately I looked down and gasped to see my hand covered in my own blood.

A snarl sound came from behind and I looked behind me, eyes widening as I saw Bates staring down at me with narrowed eyes.

Backing away, I quickly looked behind me to see Celeste and them coming towards me but I shook my head.

Looking back at Bates I took a deep breathe as I inhaled and exhaled slowly trying to calm myself down.

I ducked as he snapped at me the hairs on my back sticking up.

Pulling back, I pushed myself away wincing as the pain in my back grew.

I frantically began searching for something to protect myself with.

I screamed as Bates managed to bite into my arm, grabbing onto the first thing I could find, I wrapped my hand around it and smashed it into his skull making him let go of my arm.

He growled loudly, coming back at me even faster, moving to the side just as he tried biting me again, I stabbed what I now know as a stick into the side of his stomach making him howl.

Getting up quickly, I run towards Mason who isn't that far away from me.

I let out a painful breathe as it's becoming hard to breathe from all the pain I've been receiving and the silver that has made it hard for my wolf to re-heal me.

Mason isn't that far away from me I smile as I see him but his frantic eyes make me look back.

I yelp as I trip over a rock, falling back down, a groan as my back hits the floor again.

I scream as Bates bites into my leg pulling me towards, piercing my skin with his sharp teeth. I scream again as I feel a long gash against my leg as he roughly lets go of my leg, my body underneath his large frame.

My hand turns into my claws and I quickly swipe at his stomach making him jump from the sudden pain.

My eyes widen as I see his body come back down, and quickly move to the side, but its too late.

A scream emits from my body so loud it deafens me as his arms slam into my stomach, his claws digging into me.

With the impact my body starts shutting down, black dots clouding my vision.

The last thing I can remember is something dripping down on me.


Hey Guys!

Sorry for being a lazy author! I'm just so in the dumps with what I'm suppose to write, I'm not pleased with this chapter and I'm sorry its so short, I'll be re-editing this chapter later when I finally get some inspiration!

But like you guys are so awesome! Over 500,000 reads on this book yasssss! Thank you everyone for reading this means a lot and over 19000 votes?? Thank you all so much! I love you all xx

Comment down below what you think of this book! There is literally only 1 or 2 more chapters before this book is over, I'm going to miss writing this book it has been my favorite to write and I'm so glad I got to share this with you all!

Okay, I'm gonna stop rambling now haha love you all xx


Until Next Time


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