Chapter 16

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Lottie POV

"Alpha! We've got word that there a pack of wolves have entered our territory, the same ones that came into ours last time" One of the guards shouted as they slammed the door open making us all stare at each other in horror.

Mason growled, his hands tightening around William protectively. I looked down at Ashton and Cameron as I held a protective hand over the two. He looked over at me and then at the rest of us.

"Lottie, take the kids down to the basement safe room. Tyler will show you the way, I want you to stay there and wait for me to come down and get you. Do not open the door for anyone but me." Mason informed but I shook my head.

"I won't leave you Mason" I said shaking my head.

"Lottie, I don't have time to argue. You will take the children to the safe room and stay there" He commanded and I let out a growl of disapproval.

"You can't command me to do anything! Once I take the children down there I will come for you. I will not leave you" I said.

"Tyler, take her down to the safe room and make sure she doesn't go anywhere" Mason commanded and I watched as Tyler gave me an apologetic look before taking my arm and pulling me to the safe room. I let out a growl as I glared at Mason but he just shook his head, placing William carefully in the arms of Olivia, telling her to follow Tyler and I. 

Mason looked over at Carter "You are going to come with me" He informed and I watched Carter look over at Olivia before nodding his head.

Looking at Olivia I watched her lip quiver, eyes watering as she watched her mate leave before looking at me with a small smile. I gave her one before I was pulled forward and I glared at Tyler who gave me an apologetic smile before leading us to the basement safe room.


Mason POV

I knew that Lottie hated me for making her stay down at the basement but I had to make sure she was safe. I wasn't about to let her get hurt.

Carter and I along with the few other wolves made our way outside, shifting into our wolves before taking off towards the direction the wolves were coming at. I was getting angry, how dare they think that it was okay to cross my territory and try to destroy my family.

"Keep your eyes open. They're here." I mind-linked everyone and they nodded their wolfy heads.

Taking a deep breath my gaze snapped towards my right and I let out a growl as I smelt a familiar scent. That being Blake's. I should have killed him when I first saw him, but I was so caught up in the fact that I found my mate, I couldn't help but to forget about him and have the best night of my life with my beautiful mate who had later on gifted me with 3 beautiful children.

Over 10 wolf heads stepped out of the bushes, growling at us, which only made me angrier and I let out a growl. How dare they come into my territory and disrespect me! I will show them what happens to those who dare defy me.

I laid eyes on my target, knowing fully well who it was, I sprinted towards him jumping up and snapping my mouth at his neck. I heard him howl in pain before he threw me off of him, his back legs kicking my stomach, I flipped my body around, landing swiftly on the ground. I growled at him as we circled each other, I looked at him watching his every move, the way his front left paw would always step forward before trying to attack me, to the way he would put to much force into his front legs when he jumped up and attacked. That was when I knew exactly what to do next.

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