Chapter 52

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This chapter is dedicated to Believer39 who has made the new cover you can all see. Thank you so much for making it I absolutely love it! Here's a picture of it if you haven't already seen it 😊

 Thank you so much for making it I absolutely love it! Here's a picture of it if you haven't already seen it 😊

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Enjoy ☺️
Lottie's POV

The sound of giggles resonated off the white bright walls.

I looked around to see myself questioning where I was, shaking my head I thought nothing of it.

The sound of giggles was brought to my attention once again, walking towards the sound. I traced the walls with my fingers, the sound getting louder with each step.

I turned the corner to see a brown wooden door, a golden door knob waiting to be twisted.

My heart beat thumped wildly with every step I took towards the door, grabbing the door knob I hesitated in opening it, suddenly scared at what was behind this door.

Just as I was about to open the door, I was pulled back suddenly, the wind being knocked out of me.

I turned around to be met face to face with Bates, he grinned a cynical grin, his mouth and chin covered in blood, a drop falling onto my face making me flinch.

"I killed her." He laughed cynically grabbing out my arm roughly.

"I killed your precious girl! Just like how you killed your mother!" He growled his claws digging into arm, his other hand grabbing at my neck a gasp coming from me as I tried to suck in a breath.

"You caused this you little slut. This is your fault." He roared. The putrid smell of blood filling my nostrils.


I gasped jumping up as I clawed at my neck, sucking in a deep breathe.

"Lottie? Breathe baby breathe." Mason soothed out as he took his hands into mine.

I looked into his eyes taking in deep breaths as I tried calming down.

"Mason?" I questioned confused as to where I was, looking around I saw we were in an unfamiliar room.

Mason pulled me into his arms, softly playing with my hair, I closed my eyes sighing.

"You just had a bad dream, it was just a bad dream baby girl." He rocked me gently and I cried into his chest a fistful of his shirt in my hand.


Eventually I fell asleep, crying into his arms. Opening my eyes, I looked around to see that I was in the room by myself.

There was a note on the bedside table. Opening it, it read;

I've gone downstairs, come join me when you're ready.

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