Chapter 51

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Lottie's POV

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Could someone shut that damn sound off, its so annoying right now.

As soon as I said it the beeping seemed to speed up making me groan in annoyance.

My eyes fluttered open wanting to turn the damn beeping off, I closed my eyes as the room was bright as if I was in a bright white colored room.

What was I doing in here? 

I moved as I felt slight discomfort when there becomes a sudden wince of pain in my lower abdomen, slowly, my hand made its way to my stomach as if I could stop the pain myself.

"M-Mason?" I crooked out as I felt sparks touch my hand that had tried to touch my stomach.

"Baby.." He cooed so softly I almost didn't hear the pain in his voice.

All too suddenly he lifted me  up into a sitting position hugging me tightly.

First he's just softly running his hand through my hair, whispering words of comfort.

"Babe?" I asked confused as to where I was, I looked around and saw I was in a hospital room, I looked down to what I was on and saw it was a hospital bed.

Before I could try and figure out whats happening and why I was in a hospital bed, Mason began to shake, his body trembling and before I knew it I could feel some sort of wetness on my shoulder and knew something was wrong.

"Baby..?" I questioned until realization came through.

I pushed away from him trying to get out of his hold.

"Let." I pushed away from him angrily trying to get away from his grasp "Me." I pushed once again but Mason kept his grasp on me making me even more annoyed "Go!" I yelled out the word pushing once more before I gave up.

My body slumped in his grasp and I stared up at the ceiling, no emotion on my face just a blank emotion.

My hands found there way to my stomach and that's when it hit me.

"No.." I crooked out, my body trembling as the first few tears ran down my face.

"No please no.. M-Mason tell me this i-isn't true." I stuttered before a full blown sob escaped my mouth.

My body began to shake as I sobbed into Masons chest.

"No" I sobbed out.

My baby was gone.

I was never going to hear the patter of my babies feet.

I was never going to hear my babies laugh.

I was never going to see my child.

I clutched at my stomach as I continued to cry into his chest, the only thing that could be heard was the sound of our cries filling the room.

This was my fault.


"She needs help Mason." I heard voices outside my room as I laid in the bed staring at the wall.

"She just needs time, we just lost... just leave it alone." I heard Mason growled.

"Its been 3 months Mason how long do you expect this to go on for? She hasn't been eating, she hasn't left that room since she got back the only thing she does is stare at that stupid wall. She needs help." I couldn't remember whose voice that was but I couldn't be bothered getting up and finding out.

"You think I don't know that!? She's my mate and I can't do anything I feel fucking useless I just don't know what to do anymore." Mason swore out loud before punching the wall making me flinch.

"Leave." He commanded before I heard hurried footsteps leaving.

The door opened and closed quietly I turned over to see Mason staring at me, a defeated look on his face.

"You heard?" He questioned and I gave a slight nod, he sighed running a hand through his messy hair.

"The boys picked out some flowers for you outside in the garden." He said and I nodded smiling, before it dimmed.

They would never see their baby sister or brother.

"It wasn't your fault." He whispered, walking closer to me but I backed away shaking my head as a lonely tear fell.

"It really wasn't your fault." This time he sat on the bed, his hand reached out but I shook my head.

"All of this.. If I hadn't of let go we would still have our baby." My voice wavered before I let loose a sob.

"This is my fault." I cried as I felt Mason wrap his hands around my body bringing me into his chest. 

Grabbing onto a fistful of his shirt I cried into his chest.

I couldn't handle this, I couldn't handle this guilt and loss.

"This wasn't your fault it was Bates. You didn't mean for any of this, please stop thinking its your fault." He whispered kissing my forehead softly.

"I can't do it Mason, I just keep thinking about it and its eating me away, I can't do this anymore Mason." I cried "I need time away from this place, an escape."

"I was going to wait til you felt better, but I think you need this now." Mason said and I moved away from him looking up at him in confusion.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned sniffling as I wiped my tears.

"Pack your bags." He said kissing my forehead once more before getting up.

"Why?" I asked still confused.

"We're leaving."


Hey Guys!

Sadly the baby didn't happen I'm sorry, but not everything becomes a happy ending..

Sorry I didn't upload any sooner, I tried to update sooner but I got caught up with heaps of homework and personal stuff.

But how did you like this chapter? What were your thoughts?

There's either one or two chapters I haven't decided but probably one more.

Thank you everyone for reading and taking the time out of their day to read, vote and comment it means so much that you all have read this book! Thank you for being on this journey with me and hope you all have enjoyed reading this book!

Comment down below what you think of this chapter! Love you all xx


Until Next Time


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