Second Book Is Up & Running!

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Hey everyone,

I just wanted to inform everyone that a book cover has been chosen, the story is up and running, it only has one chapter at the moment but don't worry I will be posting up a few more along the way and hopefully I'll be able to do weekly updates but don't hold me to it because if you can't tell I really do suck at updating regularly which I am sorry about but I just forget! >.<

While I have already chosen a book cover already, please feel free to still send in book covers if you want and I can put it in the chapters of the book so everyone can view it along with a dedication.

Thank you to everyone who managed to send in book covers! I loved every single one of them and it was definitely a hard choice to choose from, thank you for taking your time in making them I really do appreciate it x

The book is called 'Her' and here is the link for the book or just go onto my account and find it in my works isle!

Which already has a chapter up! 

Love you all x


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