Chapter 45

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Lottie POV

I woke with a groan, my body aching. A sharp pain comes from my neck making me clutch it tightly.

Rubbing my neck to try to soothe the pain, I slowly look around trying to figure out where the hell I am.

What's going on? The last thing I remember is....

My eyes widen with disbelief, choking on a sob, I pull my legs into my chest shaking my head.

No, my father couldn't have done this to me. This is some sort of a twisted joke.

I flinched back as I felt the vibration of a door slamming open, I closed my eyes not wanting to face this cruel reality.

I let out a whimper as familiar hands grabbed my hair yanking me to where they wanted to take me.

Prying my hands away from my body, I try to get loose from their grasp only to fail miserably.

"Open your eyes you filthy mutt" The familiar voice only bringing me pain as I let out another whimper coiling away from the persons touch.

I felt the contact with a fist collide with my cheek, my eyes snapping open to come face to face with my father.

Not thinking twice about it, I spit in his face smiling at his angered face, hiding away the hurt.

"How could you!?" I screamed my fist connecting with his face once more.

Before I could punch him one more, he grabbed my hand growling at me. I winced as he tightened his grip.

"STOP!" He orders only to get spit from me.

"NEVER!" I shout at him bringing my leg up kicking him in the groin making him double over in pain.

"You sick bastard! I loved you! My boys loved you! Explain to me why you're doing this!?" I growled trying to kick him once more before his hand shot out grabbing my leg, twisting it making me scream as I fell to the floor.

"Yes I betrayed your trust. Yes I destroyed our relationship. Yes I hurt you. But you have to understand I did this for your mother!" He grunted getting back up.

"What are you on about? Mum died from a rogue attack! You said so yourself!" I protested.

"That's what I thought! Until I found out who did it. You're bastard mate caused your mother. My mates death!" He roared and my eyes widened with disbelief shaking my head not believing a word that came out of his mouth.

I mean Mason wouldn't do that to my mother.... Right?

Shaking any negative thoughts I narrowed my eyes at my father.

Actually scratch that. He was just a sperm donor now. He was no father of mine.

"That happened over 5 years ago. Surely Mason didn't do that. I don't believe you" Emphasising the  word 'believe' in a way that I wouldn't ever believe him again. Not when he did this to me, and his grandchildren.

"Believe whatever you want to believe. I will show you proof when the time comes. But until then, come this way I need to show you something" He says suddenly smirking, he holds his hand up for me to grab but I scoff looking away from him.

"Fine" I hear him mutter before he roughly grabs my upper arm pulling me up.

I growl at him, shaking his grip off. Rolling his eyes at me, he walks off while I stand there raising my eyebrow.

What? Does he think I'm going anywhere with him willingly!? If so he's fucking insaner than I thought.

"You've got to be fucking with me" I spat.

"Don't use that tone with me. You may hate me but I'm still your father!" He scolded pointing a finger at my face, his face turning red from anger at being disrespected but I didn't care anymore.

"Some father you are" I spit staring at him with utter disgust.

"Just follow me before I decide to just kill your baby" He threatens, my eyes widen with disbelief.

Did he just threaten me by saying he'll take away a babies life?

My eyes narrow as I purse my lips. Not wanting any harm to come to my child I wrap my arms protectively around my waist before complying walking out the door.

I flinch as the door slams closed and I watch as the person I thought would never hurt me give me a sadistic smirk jerking his head to the left before walking off.

Sighing, I follow him begrudgingly, trudging on my footsteps just go annoy him knowing that the sound would be heightened from werewolf senses.

"Mason" I mind-link hoping it would work.

At first I couldn't hear anything, my heart beginning to hammer as I feared that it wouldn't work.

"Lottie! Are you okay? Where are you?" Mason demands as I try his name once more and I sigh in relief.

"I don't know where I am. Everything's unfamiliar" I state biting my lip as I turn the corner to follow him.

"Mason I'm pregnant" I blurt out suddenly tears forming as I bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from sobbing.

"Baby I know. Your father told me when he injected me. I'm so sorry this is all my fault" He apologises but I mentally shake my head.

"He said you killed my mother is that true" I ask hopping that it wasn't true.

"It wasn't me I swear. A long time ago your father slaughtered children and the parents were mad. They weren't suppose to kill your mother it was your father that was suppose to die. But she dies jumping in front of him saving him. I'm so sorry baby" He whispers and I can't help the sobs break out.

I was relieved that it wasn't Masons fault but hearing that my father killed innocent lives and was the reason my mother is dead was heartbreaking.

Looking over at the man I thought adored me, loved me, hugged me while there was thunder and lightning outside when I was younger. I couldn't help but think how could I have noticed?

He turned around, hearing my sobs looking over at me he knotted his eyebrows in confusion a flicker of guilt crossing his features before going away.

"I do not know why you're crying.
But frankly I need you to stop. We're here" He states rolling his eyes at me as if I was being childish.

It was only then I realised something.

I gagged as I smelt something vile.

Something like a rotten corpse.

My breathing hitched as there was a familiar scent that I was all too familiar with yet could never smell again.

Slowly the door began to open, the creaking of the door making this whole scene that more frightening.

I brought my hand to my mouth, my eyes widening as I choked on my sob.


Hey Guys!

Sorry this took forever I was suppose to write the rest of this chapter yesterday and publish but I had too much school work that I had to finish so sorry!

Thank You for all of you who stick to my book! I know I said I would be doing a surprise dedication but I can't remember who I was giving it to but as soon as I remember I will post it up!

How did you like this chapter? Raise your hand if you think I'm awful for giving you another cliffhanger *Raises both hands* I know, I know but it's the only way to keep you guys intrigued!! Comment down below what you think! I'd really appreciate it!!


Until Next Time


The Alpha's Babiesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें