Chapter 41

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Lottie POV

My eyes widened in horror and I immediately looked down, my arms trying to wined around my stomach in a protective stance before narrowing my eyes at Rose with disgust who started cackling with laughter an evil smirk plastered on her face.

"I guess you really didn't know. Well, this is going to be very enjoyable" She grinned her hands trailing down to my stomach making me churn in disgust.

"Rose. Please, whatever you do don't harm my innocent baby" I pleaded but she just continued to grin at me.

"I can't take any promises to that" She smirked.

Her phone started to ring making her let out an irritated growl. Looking at me once more as she narrowed her eyes, she stalked off opening the door, she looked over at me with a grin on her face.

"Don't even think about contacting your dear mate, remember silver blocks you from mind-linking people" She grinned before leaving as I screamed profanities at her.

As soon as she left I started moving around trying to be set loose but failing miserably as the chains only tightened making me clench my jaw in agony.

Looking around, I tried to spot some sort of item to help me break loose.

I let out a frustrated growl as I saw nothing that could help me set free from these chains.

I looked down, my vision beginning to be blurry from the tears that were threatening to fall.

God I'm so stupid.

Why couldn't I have just stayed away? How come I couldn't realize that I was with child? How bad of a mother was I that I couldn't tell I was pregnant? There were no signs of pregnancy, not like how I had with my boys.

My body gave out as I realized how tired I actually was and as much as I wanted to stay away, my head began to bobble up and down, as my eyes began fluttering close. I tried to stay awake but it was useless as I was forced into the darkness.


I opened my eyes, my eyebrows knotting in confusion as I was no longer in the large room. Instead I was in the backyard of Mason and I's house. I looked over to see Mason staring at me with pure disgust making me flinch back.

"You did this!" Mason roared at me.

"Did what?" I questioned with worry etched onto my face.

"You made her do this to you!" He shouted.

I watched as Mason glared at me, before he looked down, tears running down his face he was cradling something that I couldn't quite see.

My heart began to hammer my eyes widening as I began to shake my head. It was as if time had slowed down.

I watched in agony as Mason looked down and it was only then that I could see what he was cradling.

It wasn't a something. It was a somebody.

My eyes widened as I let out a a heart wrenching scream before I started to sob. There, in the arms of my mate was my unborn child. You couldn't see my child's face as it was covered in blood, the body mangled into tiny pieces.

I couldn't help but double over, spewing my guts out at what I had just seen.

It was only then that I had realized that my body was bloodied, looking down towards my stomach I looked as it was cut open.

My breathing began to become harder and harder, until I could only take small intakes of oxygen.

I fell to the floor, looking over to my right, I watched as Rose smirked at me, her hand carrying a knife that had my blood on it. She raised her fingers to her mouth in a 'shh' position before moving towards Mason.

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