Chapter 46

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Lottie's POV

I gagged as the stench of my rotten mothers corpse made it's way to my nose.

The smell so much worse for a werewolf.

"Don't be rude Lottie. Say hello to your mother" My lunatic of a father said with a stern look like this whole situation was normal.

"Hey mum" I squeaked out backing away. Not that I was being rude it's just that this is starting to freak me out.

Looking over at my father, I cringed as he nodded his head in approval before walking over to my mother who might I remind you is very much dead and kissed her on the lips making me gag once again.

"You do know she's dead right?" I questioned cringing at how mean I sound but as much as I miss and love my mum this is way overboard.

"Of course I know she's dead." He narrows his eyes at me shaking his head at me in disappointment "But once I retrieve one little thing your mother will be back in our lives once more" He grins. I stare at him in confusion causing him to grin even more.

"Retrieve what?" I question.

"A heart of course and who better to get it from than your lovely mate. That way we can be rid of the reason your mother is dead and we can have your mother back!" He grins clapping his hands together like it's the best plan.

Instantly I growl at him.

"You will not touch my mate" I growl inhumanly my claws starting to come out at the mere mention of what my father had in mind.

"Yes I will. Your mate destroyed everything for us! He doesn't deserve your love!" He shouts before taking a deep breathe trying to calm down "Don't you see this is the perfect opportunity Lottie? You don't need him. He's weak. He can't even protect you or the boys. With him dead you won't have to worry about if you or the boys will die. You'll be free of pain and suffering over your children" He states.

Don't listen to him Lottie. Without Mason we would become like your father. He isn't in his right mind!

I look over at my father who is now staring at my mother with loving eyes making me cringe.

This isn't right. He shouldn't be doing something like this.

"You can't do this. Mason isn't weak. He protects those who he cares for. He would do anything for me and the boys. You can't just do this! If you kill Mason you'll face even more threats with the pack. You can't ruin this just because you want mum back" I retort I look up at his eyes to see anger in them as he narrows his eyes at me.

"She's dead dad! Gone! Don't do this it will only result in more turmoil" I try reasoning with him but he only growls at me.

"I thought you would understand. But clearly I was wrong. Your mate is weak. He couldn't even take down Blake in his own territory! How pathetic is that!? And to top it off he didn't even know that his Beta, the person who he should trust the most besides his mate was going to kill him! Just you watch" He glares walking over to me before standing in front of me a smirk replacing his features.

"You will watch it all. The moment your mate steps foot in here I will cause him just as much pain he caused me. I will make you watch as I cause him the most unbearable pain he can ever imagine you want to know why? My sweet Lottie?" His smirk widens as he takes a strand of my hair and puts it behind my hair making me pull away with disgust.

"Because I'll be hurting the one person he loves the most!" He grins laughing to himself and my eyes widen with disbelief.

As soon as the words slip from his mouth, men come running in grabbing me making me growl.

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