Chapter 5

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I was late to English and all because of Reece. I had caught him kissing some random girl. I had thought he was dating the head cheerleader, Julia Carter, but I guess not anymore. Maybe they were still dating, but he was sneaking around behind her back and making out with other girls. But then again she use to do that to all her boyfriends, but when she and Reece got together she had stopped. They had been together for a year and it was about to be their second year together, but maybe thats not gonna happen. I guess it's all up to them.

I heard a giggle and I looked up to see Julia there with some guy whispering into her ear. Who is that boy? He had short brown hair, and he looks pretty built. I couldn't get a look at his face since it was buried deep into her hair. I turned to look at my brother and saw him flirting with the girl on the other side of him. He looked at me and smirked. I rolled my eyes and tried to focus on some project we were going to do. I think they're not dating anymore. Why didn't he just say that? But no he had to drag me to the janitors closet and make me promise not to tell anyone, but why didn't he want anyone to know?

"Reece, please pay attention and get with your partner." Mr.Smiths voice brought me back to Earth. I turned to see him stand up and sit next to julia. He turned to look at me and I saw a scowl on his face. I chuckled at him and he glared, huffed and crossed his arms across his chest. He was such a baby sometimes. "Maxwell and Jessica, you two will be partners. Okay, now get into your groups and start working. Your project will be about "Romeo and Juliet". This is due next Friday so you have plenty of time, but use it wisely."

I stayed in my seat waiting for everyone to get with their partners. I had no idea who this Maxwell person was, so I waited until I found the only person without a partner. It was the guy that had been flirting with Julia. Great this was going to be fun. Yay. Note the sarcasm. I grabbed my stuff and walked over to the seat next to him. He was too busy winking at Julia that he didn't notice me sit down. I had been waiting for him to stop flirting, but he was still at it. This guy better hurry up I want to get this project over with.

I slapped his shoulder and his blue eyes snapped to look at me. He glared at me before he turned back around and whispered something into Julia's ear. She giggled and nodded her head and turned to my brother. "Hey, I'm Maxwell and you must be Jessica." I nodded my head not really caring who he was. I just really need to finish this project. "Is Reece your brother or something?" He asked. I looked up at him startled by his question. Everyone knew that I was Reece's twin sister. Some would call me 'the nerd' or just 'the other sibling'. Reece always had the spotlight. With being the star quarterback and the "golden child". He wasn't so golden anymore. Making out with girls under the staircases.

"Yeah, he's my twin brother." I replied. "So, I think we should work on this at home as well as during school to get it done more quickly don't you think?" I looked up at him and saw him staring at me. I shifted in my seat. I felt uncomfortable when people stared at me. He must have noticed because he cleared his throat, looked down at his paper, and nodded. We started to work and then the bell rang after what seemed like forever. I packed up wanting to get to the cafeteria for lunch as quickly as possible. My body needed food, and it needed it ASAP.

"Do you want to meet after school today?" I looked up to see Maxwell.

"Um, I can't today I have some dinner , but maybe tomorrow?" He nodded and with that he left out the door where Julia was waiting for him. Well it was time for lunch and I couldn't be any happier. I wanted food.

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