Chapter 31

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It has been exactly 3 days since Maxwell has talked to me. Today was Thursday and I had a date with Liam. He asked me Monday. All week he was by my side. I could tell Maxwell was starting to get frustrated. Everytime he would try Liam was there. During class he was too far or I was trying to pass and actually work.

"Jess! It's Liam, he's here to pick you up!" I looked at myself over once more before grabbing my little Michael Kohrs purse. I had on black leggings with knee high boots, and a knitted over the shoulder creme sweater. I had my hair up in a bun. I was going to do something else, but it wasn't cooperating so it went up into a nice bun.

"Thank you, Reece you can go now." I shoved Reece away before I closed the door behind me and went downstairs. Liam stood there with a blue button up shirt and some black jeans. His jeans hugged his lower half well and was loose in all the right places. He looked up and saw me. He gave me a wide smile which caused me to give him a smile back.

"Are you ready?" I nodded, but before we could leave Reece opened that big mouth of his.

"Her curfew is 10, keep your hands to yourself, and make sure you are by her side and nothing happens to her." Liam chuckled and nodded while I just glared at him. Ugh! He was so annoying sometimes.

"Come on man, we've been friends for forever and you don't trust me with your sister?" He placed his heart over his heart and faked hurt. "Ouch. Come on Gray." Reece chuckled and shook his head.

"You kids have fun! But not to much fun!" He pointed at Liam and narrowed his eyes. Liam opened the passenger door and chuckled while raising his hands in surrender at Reece. I just rolled my eyes. He was the same age as us. Why is he calling us kids?

"So, where are you taking me?" I asked staring at Liam as he drove. He chuckled before shaking his head.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." I huffed, frowned and looked out the window. The whole ride was silent, but it was a good silent. It wasn't awkward.

After what seemed like forever we arrived in a forest.

"Is this where you kill me?" I asked staring at him. He laughed and shook his head.

"No this is where we watch an old, classic movie." I looked at him in confusion. "Just wait." I sighed before looking out the window again.

189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 19-

"We're here!" Liam's voice snapped me out. I had gotten bored, so I counted how many tree's I saw. I looked around and saw a projector and other cars around us. "It's a drive in movie!" Oh. I've always wanted to do this!

"Yes! I've always wanted to do this and watch an old classic." I sighed lookibg at the screen. There was nothing playing. "What are we watching?"

"Well, we just finished a project about "Romeo and Juliet" so, why not watch it now?"

"Is it the one with Leonardo?" He chuckled and nodded his head. I squealed and got out of the car. Liam followed and went to the trunk. He took out a blanket and a picnic basket.

"Um, my mom packed the basket, so I have no idea what she packed." He shrugged and placed the blanket on top of the hood and placed the basket on top. I eagerly opened the basket and found choclate covered strawberries, grapes, other fruits, ham and cheese sandwiches, and drinks. I heard Liam chuckle and I turned around only to be face to face with him. I blushed and turned back around. Liam cleared his throat and I could hear him step back.

"Looks like your mom wanted to make sure we had enough fruits." I turned around giggling before popping a grape into my mouth. Liam laughed and grabbed a slice of pineapple. We got up on top of the hood and waited for the movie to start.


"I had a great time." After the movie finished we stayed there on his hood looking at the stars.

"I'm glad. I had a good time, too." I nodded not sure what to do. He started to lean in and I got up onto my toes, but before anything could happen the front door opened. I jumped back and saw a shocked looking Maxwell.

"Max?" He gave a small awkward wave. Reece came out behind him, amusement clear on his face.

"Well isn't this awkward." I glared at him and he shut up instantly.

"Um, well, bye Jessica. I'll see you at school?"

"Bye Liam. I had a good night. Tell your mom I said thank you." He chuckled and nodded his head and headed to his car. I turned around and crossed my arms over my chest and raised an eyebrow at Reece and Maxwell.

"Explain. Now." Reece was about to turn around when Maxwell grabbed him.

"Okay, well, you see, Maxwell and I have become close friends." I raised an eyebrow at them.

"Oh, really now?" They looked at each other and then nodded at me. I chuckled at them and shook my head. "You two are bad liars. I'll let this one slide, but next time I see you here again you will explain. Are we clear?"

"Crystal." They said at the same time. They are so weird.

"Good night Max!" I yelled as I made my way upstairs. I heard him call out a good night before the front door was shut. I closed my door and put on a tshirt and some sweatpants. I crawled into bed and fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Liam and Jessica moment! Maxwell spotted at the Gray's mansion! Sorry for any mistakes! You know the drill!

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