Chapter 13

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I groaned before picking it up.

"Hello?" I asked my voice sounding hoarse.

"Jessica, it's your mom." I woke up instantly and cleared my throat.

"Oh, hey," I awkwardly said.

"Sweetie," I cringed as she said that. "I just wanted to tell you that your father and I won't be coming home today as scheduled. Something came up, so we will be staying in New York for 2 weeks. I'm sorry, I know your birthdays coming up, and we won't be able to make it in time. We will celebrate when we get back. I'm sorry honey, and we love you." Of course they wouldn't be here for our birthday. They rarely are. They always send gifts, but they are never here.

"It's okay, don't worry about it just do whatever it is you have to do, and love you too." And with that we said good bye and hung up. I sighed before going back to sleep.

"Jess, Jessie, Jessica wake up!" I groaned before burying my face into my pillow trying to ignore the voice. "Jessica, come on we gotta go shopping." Reece said in a sing song voice. Shopping? Where? When? Is this a trick? I thought to myself as I turned to look at my brother. I raised an eyebrow at him telling him to continue. "We got to get the stuff we need for our 18th birthday!" He shouted making me flinch a little. Gosh, why does he have to be so loud?

Groaning I got up and got dressed in some dark blue jeans with my white tribal print crop top, and put on my white converse before putting my hair into a messy bun and putting on mascara, eyeliner, and a little bit of lip gloss. I ran downstairs to find breakfast set up. Yes, Joey made us breakfast. I loved his cooking. I ate my pancakes that were topped off with nutella and whip cream. Let's just say they tasted heavenly.

"Come on Jess, we got to go already." Reece whined as I was trying to finish eating. I glared at him before finishing off my juice. He pouted and I just smiled sweetly at him. He rolled his eyes before getting up and grabbing his keys off the counter.

"Reece our birthday isn't until next Friday. Why do we have to buy this stuff now?" I asked as we were walking around the party supply store.

"Because we have to get everything early, so that durning the week we don't have to worry about it too much." That was actually a really good idea. I just huffed and grabbed party streamers from the shelf and placed them in the cart.

We walked around for an hour or two before going to the cash register and placing almost two carts worth of stuff. Reece had gone all out and bought so much stuff. I think he was going a little over board, but he said the WHOLE school was going! I had rolled my eyes and just let him do what he wanted.

"Reece! Help me! You're the one who bought so much stuff!" I yelled as I struggled to carry everything inside the house. He was such a jerk. He came out chuckling and muttered something along the lines of "weakling". I glared at him before placing the things in the kitchen. I left Reece to take out the rest and place them wherever he wanted to put them.

"Hey, wanna go shopping sometime this week?" I asked Kat. I had been looking through my closet and didn't find anything I liked. I decided to call Kat and ask to go shopping.

"What for? Your closet is full of clothes, shoes, and anything you could think of."

"Reece wants to throw a party for our birthday."

"Aweso- wait what about your parents?" She asked. I sighed remembering this mornings conversation with my mom. I explained to Kat how they wouldn't make it and how much they were "sorry".

"Oh, okay yeah we could go shopping this week." I thanked her and told her I would see her tomorrow.

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