Chapter 26

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Today was Friday. The project was due. The party was today. I had spent all afternoon trying to find Jessica a gift. I know we weren't excactly really close, but come on we shared a really special moment on the roof. I told her a part of my deepest secret. She told me about her dark past. We were getting closer. I didn't know what she liked which made me take longer at the mall. That place is a maze.

"Mr. Powers!" Mr. Smith, my english teacher, yelled. I saw everyone was staring at me. Mr. Smith sighed. "Do you have your project?" Oh. The project. I nodded my head before reaching into my bag and taking it out. I walked up to his desk and handed it to him. He nodded his head in thanks before placing it on his desk and continued calling people up.

The rest of the day had gone by slow. I didn't get to see Jessica since she had stayed home. I really wanted to see here. Yeah, say whatever you like, but I did want to see her. I sighed before walking to the gym. I had to get all my stuff for football, which starts next week. I said hey to the boys and walked up to my couch.

"Hey, Coach." He patted my shoulder before handing me my pads, helmet, and jersey. I grabbed them and went to the boy's locker room. I placed everything inside and shut it close.

"Dude, I can't wait to see what Reece will be doing tonight." I heard a couple of yeah's come from the boys.

"Yeah! Remember last year he brought those strippers!" Stippers? Really? I thought it was a party for both him and Jessica. I shrugged before walking out. I got onto my bike and put my helmet on and sped off into the street.

"Mom, I'm ho-!" They weren't here. They left to New York. I forgot. I went up the stairs to my room and threw my backpack onto the floor. The party started at 7 it's 5 right now, so I have 2 hours befrore it starts. I could shower, get dressed, and get Jessica's gift wrapped up and ready to go. I would probably still have some time left after all that.

"Mr. Powers." I looked up to see Margaret standing at my door. I nodded my head and gestured for her to come in. "Your parents are on the phone, and they wish to speak with you." She handed me the phone before leaving closing the door behind her.

"Hello." I heard shuffling at the other end before I heard my mother's voice.

"Maxwell! How have you been?" I rolled my eyes before answering.

"Mom, you left yesterday. Nothing has happened since you left. I'm fine about to go to a friend's house."

"Okay, be safe Maxwell. Don't get into any trouble. I love you. Have fun!" I said my good bye before hanging up. I placed the phone on my desk before walking to my drawer. I pulled it out and took out the black velvet box. It had taken me 3 hours to find this gift. It had been the perfect one. It was a necklace.

"Mr. Powers, the car is ready to go." I looked up at Margaret and nodded grabbing the phone and handing it to her. I had decided to wear a dark blue button up shirt with black jeans. I got into the limousine and we drove towards the Gray's mansion. I grabbed the red ribbon and wrapped it around the box before placing it into my pocket. I had decided to give it to her when we were alone. It was a special gift. I didn't want anyone else to see it.

Picture of Maxwell's gift --->
Isn't it just sweet of him! He melts my heart! Anyways sorry for any mistakes! You know the drill!

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