Chapter 30

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It was Monday. I did not want to get up. All day I had been worried about Jessica. I was worried that Reece would do something to her. I rushed downstairs and ate what Margaret made for breakfast. I thanked her and kissed her cheek before walking out to my bike. I put my helmet on and rushed out.

"Gray!" Jessica turned around and I noticed she still had the necklace I gave her on. She gave me a small smile, but I could tell she was tired. She walked towards me and I pulled her into a hug. She sighed and wrapped her arms around my neck and she buried her head against me chest. "Are you okay? You look exhausted and drained."

"Reece had a mental breakdown which caused me to have a mental breakdown. This whole weekend was spent watching movies and eating junk food." I chuckled and rubbed her arms as I felt her shiver. It was starting to colder.

"Are you okay now?" She nodded and placed a small kiss on my cheek.

"Thanks for caring, but I'm not sure I will tell you what exactly happened, yet." I sighed and nodded.

"I don't want to rush you. I still have a couple things you don't know about." She raised an eyebrow and I just shrugged.

"So, are we just friends with benefits or are you actually trying to have a relationship with me?" She tilted her head and raised an eyebrow. I chuckled.

"I actually, surprisingly, want to try and have a relationship with you." She pulled away. What? Was that the wrong thing?

"Okay, then we can't have none of this touchy stuff. That's only after it's been official."

"Can't I just ask you out right now and you say yes and we just kiss?" She rolled her eyes and shook her head. I sighed. She gave me a small kiss and a pat on the shoulder.

"Good luck. You have competition." I looked up at her and frowned. I turned around and saw Liam standing there with flowers. Of course. Knight. She gave me a small wave before walking to Liam. He said something to her and she nodded taking the flowers and giving him a hug. She turned around and winked at me. Was she serious?

"What was all of that about? Why were you holding Jessica like she was the last girl on Earth?" I turned and saw Julia standing there with her arms crossed across her chest with her eyebrow raised. I shrugged.

"It's none of your business."

"It is my business because you are my-!"

"Your what? I am not yours. You don't own me. We are not dating. You should get that through that thick little skull of yours. You better stay the hell away from Jessica." I was about to walk away when she grabbed my arm.

"You don't know what a screwed up family she has. She use to have a younger sister. She-" I yanked my arm and turned to look at her.

"Enough! If she wants to tell me she will tell me. It's not your place to tell." She glared at me before walking away. That girl needs to be brought down. She was just a pain in the ass.

All day I had been trying to approach Jessica, but everytime Liam would be with her. The only time I could talk was during our classes together, but she would always be busy actually working or sitting far away from me. It was making me frustrated. During lunch Julia had moved tables and sat with some other girls. Everyone had been staring at me and then back to her. It was so fucking annoying. I couldn't eat comfortably.

By my last period all I wanted to do was go home, but football practice started today. I groaned and made my way to the locker room. I got dressed and headed out where I saw Jessica and Reece having a heated conversation. She saw me and said something to Reece and he just left and went to the coach.

"Hey, is everything okay?" She nodded her head.

"Yeah, everythings great. Just talking about the plays which I think are kind of stupid." I chuckled and she scowled at me. "What?" She snapped and I immediately stopped.

"You are such a bad liar." I said. She looked at me shocked and then I could see a blush start to creep onto her face. "And you look so adorable when you blush." Saying the words she had told me on the roof. She scowled before lightly punching my shoulder. I grabbed her and squeezed her to my side. She squealed and tried to get out of my grip, but I held her firmly. I was about to tickle her when coach blew the whistle.

I let her go and she huffed fixing her hair. She glared at me and I just sent her a smirk before putting my helmet on and running towards the center of the field.


Practice had lasted a little over 3 hours. I was so exhausted. Jessica had stayed for about an hour and a half before Katherine came. She left but not before she sent me a wink. I gave her a smirk and she just rolled her eyes.

"Powers." I looked up and saw Reece coming towards me with a blank face. I stood up and grabbed my backpack. He nodded and we both headed out towards the parking lot. "I've noticed how you've been trying to get my sister's attention, but Liam's got her in his hooks. I really like Liam. I think he would be better for her, but I see the way she looks at you and the way you look at her. I can tell you really do like my sister and you don't just want to play with her." I nodded my head. He placed his hand on my shoulder. "Which is why I am going to help you win her. Liam just needs to butt out. He has had his chance, but now that have your eyes set on her he wants to try and get her first. It's a game we use to play, but I never told you this. I never said I would help you." He winked at me.

"Thanks. Your sister is something special." He nodded and chuckled.

"Yupp, something special." He muttered before patting my shoulder and walking to his car. I have a chance, and all thanks to Reece. He was gonna help me win his sister.
I didn't plan on losing. I never loose.

Ooh!! Looks like Maxwell has competition! So sweet of Reece to help him out! Sorry for any mistakes! You know the drill!

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