Chapter 18

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"Okay, so we just need to finish typing and we'll be done." Jessica said looking up from her laptop. I nodded my head. I didn't really care what we were doing. I just had to get out of the house.

My father had gotten mad at me during our "family" dinner. He snapped at me just because I was and I quote "drinking too loud". Yeah that was his excuse. That asshole.

"Maxwell?" I looked up to see Jessica staring at me with a bit of concern in her eyes.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something. What's up?"

"I asked if you wanted anything to eat or drink?" She asked while putting her laptop to the side while getting up. Hmm maybe some ice cream.

"Um, can I have ice cream?" She looked at me shocked before nodding. She grabbed my hand. I saw her blush a little before dragging me out of the living room. I chuckled to myself. She was cute when she blushed. Yeah, I know why the hell did I say she looked cute? Because I wanted to, so leave me the fuck alone.

We walked for what seemed like forever. I wanted ice cream! She turned one more corner before she let go of my hand and pushed open a door. I walked into the biggest kitchen I'd ever seen. There were so many cabinets, fridges, ovens, and anything that belongs in the kitchen. She led me to a fridge and pulled it open revealing a ton of ice cream!

"There is your ice cream. If you want anything else just tell me okay?" I nodded before looking at all the ice cream. I need to find butter pecan, strawberry swirl, and anything else that looks good.

"Wow, looks like you really wanted ice cream huh? Is it that time of the month?" Jessica asked with a smirk on her face. I scowled at her trying to shift the 5 tubs of ice cream in my arms. They were making my arms freeze. She laughed at me before grabbing 3 and placing them on the counter.

"Good evening miss Gray." I looked around her to see a man who looked to be in his 20's. He looked really young.

"Joey! I told you just to call me Jessica." He smiled sheepishly before his eyes found me. He narrowed his eyes at me and opened his mouth to say something. "Joey, this is Maxwell. He is the son of the co worker at dad's job, Maxwell this is Joey our chef." He nodded his head at me in acknowledgement and I returned the gesture.

"You kids don't stay up to late." He said before turning away. "Oh and keep your hands to yourself." He said over his shoulder before walking out. I turned and saw Jessica blushing before she went to a cabinet and took out a bowl.

"Er, here you go. I'll get you a spoon." She handed me the bowl and went to look for a spoon. She took one out and gave it to me.

"Thanks," she nodded before turning around and grabbed a basket. "What's in there?" I asked her pointing at the basket. She looked up at me then down towards the basket. She grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the kitchen. Was she gonna ignore my question or what?

"You'll have to wait and see, come on." She dragged me up the long staircase. We made alot of turns before she stopped in front of a door. There was a sparkly, cursive blue 'J' on the door. She looked at me before opening the door. There was blue everywhere. Blue and white. "Um, this is my room, but we won't be in here, come on." She grabbed my hand again and dragged me to the window.

"Umm, what are you doing?" I asked her. She rolled her eyes at me.

"You are not patient are you?"

"No, now tell me." She shook her head and crawled out the window. "What are you doing?!" I reached to grab her, but her foot was gone. I looked out and looked up only to see her ass. I looked away.

"Come on, climb up the ladder!" I looked out and saw that she was on the roof. I looked at saw the ladder that led up. I grabbed onto it with one hand while the other held my melting ice cream. I climbed to the top where she held her hand out to me grabbing my ice cream.

"I thought you jumped down for a second there." She laughed and started walking towards the center of the roof. When I looked I saw that there was already a blanket and pillows on the floor. There were 3 or so lamps all around it. She turned each one on, and turned to look at me.

"Are you just gonna stand there or come over here?" I scowled at her before walking to the blanket. The wind started to blow causing Jessica to shiver. I turned towards her and saw her staring at the sky. The moon was full tonight causing the moonlight to shine on her. She looked beautiful and there was no denying it.

I just wanted to kiss her right then and there, but I didn't. I didn't want her to be like the rest of the others. I want to actually get to know her. And find out her dreams and goals and just be there for her. What is this? What's wrong with me? All I'll do is hurt her. Especially because of what I do. I can't do that to her. I won't hurt her. I won't let the past repeat itself. Not with Jessica.

Sorry for any mistakes!
Picture of Joey --->
You know the drill!

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