Chapter 1

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I wonder what it would take to go bald. Would pulling my hair out constantly be enough to induce the process of baldness. At this point, I am really considering shaving all the hair on my head. What's the point of having a head full of hair when it just seems to get stuck everywhere I go?

Discreetly as possible, I try to tug my hair free from the ID badge I was trying to get through my neck. My hair is curly enough to get tangled or stuck anywhere it pleases. A distance melody plays from my pocket, belonging to my cell phone. "Yello, Rebecca Tuffin," Mr. Shu calls my attention back to him as I try to silence my phone without taking it out of my pocket, "Yes Sir."

"It is very important that my client sticks to this agenda." Mr. Shu hands me the folder that contains all the materials to follow the client's itinerary for the month.  "You're the only other person besides myself, who I trust that will have them stick to their scheduled agenda and avoid having them stolen, lost, or jailed."

"I understand. I assure you there will be no unwanted incidents. In my profile, you can see that I take my job very seriously." In all honesty, that is a lie. I mostly need this job because of the money but then again no employer wants to hear that. Currently, I am receiving my instruction to a temporary bodyguard job to a very important celebrity offering high payment. No one wanted this assignment, since the responsibilities included but where not limited to chaperoning, driving and monitoring the client for one month. It seemed to be too much work for a temporary job.  But desperate times call for desperate needs. 

"It's not only about completing your job, but rather I want you alert and ready for any inconveniences that may come your way. Think of this job as a delivery service, make sure the client arrives at the assign places and completes all the assignments on time. I can read clearly you have the training it takes for this job. But my client is a very important public figure, who not only is known to have no restraint but there are a lot of people who wouldn't hesitate to take his image and ruin it." He checks his watch. " Follow me, please. It's time to meet your client."

As he heads towards the door, I quickly grab the scissors on his desk, cutting off the strand of hair that was tangled to my ID badge. I place the scissors back, the strand hair in my pocket, and pin my ID badge on the front pocket of my suit, before he turns around " Don't forget-"

I hold up the folder with the agenda, "On it, Mr. Shu." I give him a smile to distract him from the fact that I did touch his things without his permission. 


Wearing my best clothes for a job that requires the ability to move and stand for constant periods of time, Mr. Shu and I are waiting for the client I am assigned to this month. Like any other celebrity, they all seem to have a thing for arriving when they want to. It's late afternoon in the K music center, the company headquarters that sponsor rising stars in the music industry, and our celebrity which I am yet to know the name off is 2 hours late. The weather today is giving us the heat of late March, making my face smudge warmly. 

A job like this is not ideal but the pay is rewarding. Never in my mind, did I think I would end up working in this type of job, but then again life is very unpredictable. The sound of a car speeding becomes gradually louder as the sight of a black Porsche comes into view. The car abruptly comes to a stop right where we are standing. The driver's door pops open as the person emerges wearing black shades and a preppy schoolboy outfit. For every celebrity that I've done temporary bodyguard duty seems to always be glamorous and knows how to make an entrance. These people were born to stand out. 

"Late as always, I see," Mr. Shu sarcastically points out as the driver walks towards him. 

"Hey there, Joe. You seem glum as always," He, I take it is my new client greets Mr. Shu. " I almost did not recognize you. Did you get new glasses? Wait, I know. You got a perm. Yep, that's it. "

"Hilarious." Mr. Shu seems unfazed by his humor. The client's remark would have made anyone laugh, but it wouldn't be appropriate considering Mr.Shu has no hair. Since I am wearing dark shades, I don't hesitate to take in my client's appearance: black hair, straight nose, with flawless skin, not to mention his height as well as his body form. Based off his body shape, I guess he's around eighteen or twenty years of age. 

"Now, where's the person replacing you?" He looks over Mr. Shu but dismisses my presence when his eyes land on me. "Not here yet, huh. And I thought I was late."

Mr. Shu ignores his comment, "Ms. Tuffin, I like you to meet your client for the next month. Mr. Andrew Elsher."

My heart takes a leap as I realize what I got myself into. When this job was offered, Mr. Shu was very careful about mentioning the client's name, it seemed odd at first but now I know why he kept it from me or anyone in general. While I don't know Andrew Elsher's area of work, I have heard his name around other employees like myself. Andrew Elsher is a spoiled brat who challenges anyone who tries to correct him. Anyone would be thrilled to spend a whole month with a pretty boy until they realize celebrities never show their spoiled arrogant side on TV. 

"Mr. Elsher, as you know I will be taking a temporary leave. Ms. Tuffin is more than capable of monitoring and driving you to your daily appointments." 

My new client lowers down his sunglasses as he analyzes me from head to toe, "Why did you send me an old lady? You couldn't find someone hotter, huh?"

Old lady?! I scoff. My job is no easy money, I am fully aware of that, but to be stuck with this brat. If I didn't need the money I would have no need to ever meet this person. But for my family, I need to prove I can handle him, "This old lady is here to keep your newborn -."

Mr. Shu clears his throat, "Ms. Tuffin! I would appreciate you keeping some professionalism around the client." 

The client burst out in hysterical laughter. "You have some guts, old lady. You need to have class to serve me."

I ignore him and answer Mr. Shu, "Of course." A woman my age, should know better than to lower herself to a teenager's level, but no matter what age I may be, I still would like to punch my client's face. 

Now that I think about it, I don't even know how I got this job considering that being a woman gives me a big disadvantage against male bodyguards. The last thing I need is for Mr. Shu to think I am not fit for this job. I straighten my back and approach my client, "Mr. Elsher, starting Monday morning I am officially handling your daily agenda. The first assignment is an interview with the latest fashion industry that would like to consider you for a brand line of your own. I will be picking you up at your residence at 7:00 am. Any questions?"

He scoffs with a playful smile, "Lady, no one tells me what to do."

Word  count: 1303

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