Chapter 2

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Finding someone who was born to stand out is no problem, they simply dress different; as if they are about to walk down the gala. So when there is a celebrity missing or trying to escape, I just need to find the person who doesn't look like anyone else. And there he is. Wearing a trench coat, a face mask, dark shades, and a cap; I have found Andrew Elsher. 

I approach him cautiously, "Hello, good sir. Are you looking for someone?"

He seems a bit startled before he clears his throat to say in a low deep voice that is not his own, "No, I'm just waiting for someone, Miss."

I press on, "Are you sure you're waiting for someone, good sir?" I don't know who he's trying to fool but it's not me. "It looks more like you're hiding from me, Mr. Elsher."

He coughs in panic. "You are mistaken, Miss. I have no idea who Andrew Elsher is."

"Really?" I cross my arms. 

"Yes. Bye now," He starts to walk away from me. 

"If you don't know him, how do you know I was looking for Andrew Elsher? I never said his first name." I grab his arm," Mr. Elsher, you can stop now. I am not an idiot to not know it's you."

He shakes my hand off, "Whatever." He continued to walk to the entrance as if I were not there to stop him. 

"Mr. Elsher," I call him again. But that doesn't seem to stop him. I grab him again, "Mr. Elsher where do you think you're going?"

"Get your hands off me, old lady," He tries to shake me off again, but before he can, I twist his arm behind his back and pin him to the ground. 

"Let me remind you, your job is yet to be done. You're not going anywhere today," I continue to restraint him.

"I told you to get off of me you witch, I am not your stupid errand boy," he grits through his teeth. About to reply back, I notice a group of people lurking around the scene. Causing another scene of the episode Mr. Elsher's restraining order would lead to more trouble and work. And most likely back to Mr. Shu's ears. The last thing I need is to lose my job because of some spoiled prick. My phone rings. 

"Ms. Tuffin, have you located Mr. Elsher? It's almost time for his next meeting." Nora, Mr. Elsher's secretary speaks when I answer the phone. 

"We'll be right there, Nora," I hang up. "Let's go," I pick up Mr. Elsher off the floor. "We need to talk."

When he's of the floor, I am about to grab his arm to lead him, but he declines, "I can go on my own."

After making Mr. Elsher attend the five o'clock meeting,  Nora burst out of the conference room to which I am standing guard for, scolding Mr. Elsher who is indifferent to the situation. "What were you thinking? Do you have any idea what you have done?" Alarmed by Nora's tone, I make sure to shut the door behind them and ask her what happened to which she responded with a stressful sigh. "The interviewer asked him what his goal in life was, and he and the audacity to ask her for her phone number. He even called her hot. The interviewer ignored him and asked him what his career goal was and he responded with its all about babes and drinking."

Its not the first time Mr. Elsher has been rude to and interviewer or his managing team. I look over to Mr. Elsher who has his arms crossed while leaning his back on the wall. On Monday morning, when I drove to his residence he wouldn't come out of his house nor let me in. I had to call Nora to give me the password so I can drag him out of his room. Tuesday was no better, he had an audition schedule for a leading role on a teen series but got kicked out because of inappropriate attire and acting. It amazes me how he got kicked out for acting in a acting audition. By Wednesday, I made sure to arrive to his residence early so he wouldn't have a chance to hide or drive off. But through out the day he tried to drive off countless of times to other places other than what was on his schedule. 

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