Chapter 9

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About to walk over to him when a familiar face stops me, "Wow, you clean up nicely. I almost did not recognize you."

"Hi, Jake," I try to give Mr. Elsher a glance from the corner of my eye, but he's not where I had seen him. "what are you doing here?"

He chuckles a bit before answering, "You know, to relax." I nod in agreement as I don't know what more to say. I notice Jake isn't wearing his glasses and looks less of a tech guy without them. 

"I take it you come to this club often." I try to come up with small talk but he just caught me by surprise. What a coincidence that he'll come out clubbing when Mr. Elsher and I are here too. Let's just hope he doesn't see me and Mr. Elsher together. The last thing I need to swirl up rumors.

"I have to say its my first time here," He gives his surroundings a glance. "I'm surprised you like these type of places. Do you want to grab a drink?" I semi-laugh at his comment about liking these places and hold up my empty glass proudly, hoping he won't see that its empty.

"I don't mind a refill but my feet are killing me." I show off my white heels. "I'm just tired of walking around. I'll wait for you here." I sound like a piss, but Mr. Elsher is wondering around and I need to keep him near me. This is my chance to get rid of Jake and find Mr. Elsher, so I hand Jake my empty glass. He stands there awkwardly before heading to the bar. As soon as he is out of sight, my arm is yanked further into the part of the club where the music can be heard less.

"Mr. Elsher!" He leads me behind a booth. 

He takes a few peaks over the booth making sure we are out of sight. "Why did you invite Jake?"

"Invite him? I didn't invite him. Why would you think I invited him?"

"You guys looked like you were into each other back when I was recording with them," He shrugs.

"Into each other?" I raise my eyebrows surprised at his comment. "I am not into anybody. I have enough in my plate with you."

"Aww, I complete you." He teases me but I ignore it. He stops glancing over the booth and turns his body towards me. "Okay, that's good to hear. Anyway, you need to get penalized."

"Penalized? for what?"

"For being late?" He gives me a duh face. 

I cross my arms, "I was late one time."

"You have me a hard time when I was late. Now its your turn."

"I repeat. I was late one time!"

"Too bad," He smirks playfully

I sigh before agreeing with his point, "Fine. what do you have in mind?"


"No," I flat out reject him. 

"Why? Its a club. What else do you come to do in a club?" I can see where he's coming from but if I drink he will realize I can't get drunk. 

"Because, if we both drink whose going to drive us home?"

He gives me a confused look, "We can just call a taxi or uber."

I try to think of another excuse but I can't come up with one. If he gets drunk enough he might not remember and I'll simply drive him myself. And I can just say I called in a taxi to drive us both home. "Okay, do your worst." 

He clicks a button on the booth to call an attendant to bring us some drinks and asks for chopsticks to which they reply yes. Once the drinks and chopsticks arrive, he sets up a shot over another drink in a larger cup with the chopsticks holding the shot above the larger drink. "Its ready. Now its simple. You have to make the drink fall into the drink by slamming your forehead on the table. Clear?"

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