Chapter 7

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Only a few minutes have passed, when Mr. Elsher steps out the room, glancing in every direction until he spots me a few doors down from the studio room. I take it the person he's looking for is me. Before I can ask him what's wrong because of the hideous wrinkles on his forehead, he stands in front of me while looking at me in the eye. "Show me your hand," He demands with a huge amount of seriousness. 

Without quivering, I remain calm. Its not my first time I've been confronted about this. Not breaking eye contact I keep my hands inside my jacket pocket, "Why? Are you going to put a ring on it?"

He seems unfazed by my humor," Show me your hand." 

I finally blink, "Why should I?"

"Because..." His voice trails off as he thinks of a reason. "How am I supposed to trust you? 

Its not so much I plan to hide anything, but I can't tell anyone. Its not safe for anyone to know what I can do. "If I show you my hand, will you tell me where you went this morning?" He stays silent knowing fully well  he won't, I continue, "You asked me to trust you maybe you should do the same." I take out my hand where the paper cut should have been. Unsatisfied, Mr. Elsher glares at the band aid on my index finger, "Take it off."

I put my hand back in my pocket, "Are you going to tell me who you wrote that song for?" Mr. Elsher is confused, even he doesn't understand his reasoning right now. No normal person would. I sure didn't believe it myself when I first got stabbed with a knife. 

"What does that have to do with this?" He reaches for my wrist. 

"Mr. Elsher," I resist having my hand taken out of my pocket. "If you are unwilling to trust me, then don't expect my trust." Somethings are mean to be a secret, even if we don't want to. Mr. Elsher finally calms down and lets it go. He doesn't say anything nor gives me a glance, he just walks back to the recording studio. So much for the progress we made. 

The next few days have carried the same awkward atmosphere since the last time Mr. Elsher spoke to me or even gave me a glance. After the interviews and the recording project at NW studios, Mr. Elsher has simply given me the cold shoulder. 

"So you're still not talking to me?" I keep my eyes on the road as we're driving from finishing up at NW studios. There's no responds. Its Friday night and I know Mr. Elsher wants to go clubbing like we agreed we would if he behaved. In these past few days, he, to my surprise behaved and did as he was told, just without uttering a single word to me. If he's still not talking to me, I at least want to keep my end of the deal.  "Aren't we supposed to go partying this weekend? Its going to be tough to enjoy it if you don't talk to me." I hit the brake as the headlights turn red," Mr. Elsher it was your idea to go clubbing or do you not want to anymore?"

He gives me a childish glare as he rolls down the window and faces the wind. Enough of his pettiness. I am going to make him say yes.

When the light turns green, I don't press on the gas pedal instead I do nothing but park the car. The cars on my back are honking at us to move, I stay put. In order for this to work, I need to get on his nerves just like he did the first week we met. 

Annoyed by all the honking, Mr. Elsher rolls up the window but does not say anything. He closes his eyes as he crosses his arms, trying to block out the noise. The light turns red and the honking increases as well as the people flicking their fist at us. I can see its starting to get on his nerves. Once again the light turns green, and honking grows louder. 

"Fine!" Mr. Elsher finally breaks. 

"What did you say? Sorry I couldn't hear you through all the honking from these crazy people," I wait for a few more words from him. 

"I said fine!" 

"Fine, What?" I pressure him. The light turns red again, only making him more annoyed. 

"Just go! You all ready have everyone piss at you not going," He keeps his arms crossed. 

"I guess, we're not going clubbing then." I try to sound disappointed but don't get a responds until the light turns green. 

"Ok, you win. Let's go clubbing but just go."

"Roger that." I hit the gas pedal on our way to get dressed and go clubbing. All I have to do now is make sure my client doesn't get lost, stolen or killed. 

Word Count: 831

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