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50 years later

I ask the booth attendant for one ticket and pay for it before I head over to the entrance to show them my entrance ticket. The Galleria dell'Accademia hasn't changed from the last time I was here. Just that this time, I am alone in a bright lighten museum full of numerous people laughing and talking. Life has slowed down for me, I see everyone move in slow motion. Days go by just as they are meant to be, and before I know it, night has fallen. 

Approaching a painting, I--unwanting to-- recall that midnight I broke into the museum. The fading memory of that American boy. I can't help but miss dealing with the owner of those pale blue eyes. Unlike that night, the painting we both looked at that night fifty years ago remains the same. I will never understand why people desire eternal life. It's painfully deteriorating. 

A rusty voice with a British accent interrupts the growth of my thoughts, "Oh, man. That's a masterpiece, isn't it?"

I keep looking at the painting and ignore the owner of the voice, in case he was trying to talk to me. Before, all I wanted was to live my life, but now I can't. Every person I have met is now gone. And no matter how much I wish to join them, I cant. Every single time I find someone who I can confine in leaves like they are meant to. Expect for me. 

"Do you like art?" He asks while looking at me waiting for a response. No matter how hard I try, I simply am too nice. Heartless can't define me. Finally giving in, I answer trying to kill off the attempt of small talk. "I appreciate it."

"That's good to hear. I've met so many people who think art is not a real profession. Their argument is that art can only ever be a hobby. Do you paint yourself?"

I never would have minded speaking to others, but in this place even after all these years the thicker the air gets. "I used to."

Noticing he's about to say something I begin to walk away from him. I make my way through the museum a few feet away from that man, and decide to stop where the sculpture collection is at. Looking through the sculptures, I am reminded that we weren't alone that night we got caught roaming around the museum. Trying to dismiss the idea of finding out what item the other party that night took, I move on to the next art collection. Only a few minutes pass when I feel a similar presence near me, "Hi, again. Do you also like sculptures?"

I give him a slight nod but do not turn toward him. 

"I'm Alex by the way. " He introduces himself waiting for me to do the same. Hesitantly, I finally take a look at his face. Looking at his eyes I am reminded of the very same person I have been trying to forget. Blue eyes and black hair; is that how all British men look? "What about you?" He finally asks. 

I dart my eyes in every other direction other than  his face, "Mary." 

"Nice to meet you. I take it your full-time job isn't being a painter?"

"It isn't."

"That's unfortunate. You look like the passionate artist type. I am an accountant and every day I think about dropping everything and pursuing art. What do you do?"

"I am a lifeguard." At this point, I am running out of ideas about what to do and where to work. I've been everywhere I can think off and I have worked every job I can. My one wish is to just sleep until this is all over. 

"Lifeguard? So you're all about saving lives," I give him a slight nod to confirm his statement. "That's amazing. I've never met a lifeguard before."

"Well, now you have." I start walking without looking back at him. 

"Wait," He steps in front of me to stop me from walking. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. But if you wouldn't mind, would you like to grab a coffee with me sometime?"

Watching my composure, I steady my voice, "I rather not. Have a good day."

"Please. I know this place that just looks amazing when midnight hits. You can see all of Venice light up. I promise you will like it."

 "I can't. Arrivederci." I dryly say and continue to walk through the museum to avoid him following me. Until I can live normally, I want to avoid any more Midnight Memories. It took many lives of the people I learned to cherish for me to finally give up on finding the one person responsible for this mess. I realize now that if he was looking for me as I was looking for him, he would have found me a long time ago. 

"Come sta, Maria?" I stop walking at the sound of that voice. Turning to where the voice came from, I come face to face with the person I have looking for all my life. The same tan skin and brown eyes from 2000 years ago. I've encountered the reason for my misery. 


He starts to walk towards me and away from the corner where he emerged from. My breathing increases as my body stays frozen in place.  


My body is betrayed by my eyes which are burying a hole in his forehead. The love that consumed me years ago has turned into unwanted hatred. 

"Camila... Lily...Rosa..." After all this time, he finally shows up not because he encountered me by chance. But he's been watching me ever since that Midnight when we made a blood oath. 

"Or should I say?" He takes a long pause and finally turns to me, "You look well, Livina Drusius."

The reason behind every bitter midnight memory I had, seems to have lived his life without guilt. 

Word Count: 985

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