Chapter 8

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At this point of my life and my career I would be surprised if I flinched at unexpected movements. Like Mr. Elsher throwing a vase across the room and it crashing next to my face. I rub my  left ear gate as the ringing fades away in seconds. "Mr. Elsher, aren't we passed first impressions?" 

He rolls his eyes, "You said we were going to go clubbing yesterday night, but you only made me work more." 

Guilty as I can be, I did make him work even when I encouraged for us to go clubbing. I even drove him back home and he was too tired to even argue back when I dropped him off yesterday night. Now, he seems to have recharged his bratty attitude. He wouldn't pick up my calls which is why I am here at his house. "Friday is still technically a work day." I say trying to save my reasoning. "The deal was to party in the weekend. Yesterday was still a work day." I try to make my case. 

He mimics everything I just said in a very high pitch voice. 

"Oh, really?!" We are stooping down to that!" He continues to mimic me. I take out my phone and pretend to be taking a selfie," Oh, look at me I'm Andrew Elsher. I do everything they tell me not to do." I make sure to do my best fake British accent to sound extra obnoxious. 

"I do not sound like that!"

I stick out my tongue and make some donkey ears with my hands over my head. "Look at me, I think every girl likes me. Oh, look at me, I can sing."

He grabs an apple from the basket he has in his kitchen table  to throw at me. I move out of the way before it smacks me instead of the wall. "Stop it."

As I keep mimicking Mr. Elsher starts chasing after me with a random duster he found. I jump over the sofa and run through the inner part of Mr. Elsher's house. Dodging his swings I can only do one thing; surrender. "I'll stop. Come on, troops. I'm actually sorry about making you work!" He points his weapon at me but giv4s m3e a chance to get up. "All I can ay now is that I promise no assignments till Monday."

My phone start to ring. Mr. Elsher points the duster closer to my face, "You promise."

"Yes," I hold my hands up as if I got catch by a cop. He lowers the duster an I take the call with the caller ID being from Nora, "Ms. Tuffin, we need Mr. Elsher to come in for a last minute interview. He has an hours to get ready and swing by." I lift my eyes to find Mr. Elsher on the edge of his seat trying to read me. I just made a promise and I tend to keep it. 

Clearing my throat, I mouth to Mr. Elsher, I promise, before I reject Nora's request, "Sorry, Nora. We can't swing by. We have where to be. You'll have to reschedule, I'll call you later." I quickly hang up before she can think of protesting. 

Mr. Elsher has been receiving a lot more calls and invites because he will be departing to Italy for his next project. According to Mr. Shu's agenda, Mr. Elsher is to spend a one week in Italy and for the rest of my assignment, we will finish back in the U.S. 

"Did you just reject an assignment?" He looks surprised as if I rejected an invite from the queen. 

"Yep," I bluntly say with pride. "I said we are going clubbing and that is exactly what we are going to do tonight." 

Its 8:00 p.m. and I will make sure we are not wasting a Saturday night indoors. Even though that is what I will be doing if I were spending my Saturday alone. I make my way to the door, "Aren't you coming?" I had dropped by Mr. Elsher's home to make sure he was alright after a long night of work. As petty as he can be, he decided to ignore my calls to which made me come to his house. His house to my surprise is extremely organized that I assume he hires a maid to clean after him. I grab my coat off the rack it, but Mr. Elsher hasn't moved. 

He sheepishly gives me a childish look, "You're going clubbing wearing that?"

"Yeah," I don't hesitate to answer him. "Why what's wrong with it?"

"Its embarrassing. You look like a retired college student," he wrinkles his upper lip. I'm embarrassing? How am I embarrassing. I may look like I am dragging my life around but I am a responsible person. "How about we meet at the club at 10:00?"

I let out a sigh, "Fine. What club?"

"Sapphire's sun," He hands me what looks like a ticket. "Make sure not to dress like an old lady." Old lady? I'll show him an old lady. Challenge accepted. I'm going to make sure I knock his socks off.


Shamefully to admit, I am running extremely late. Trying to look my best to prove a point, I lost track of time and before I know it, it was past 10:00 p.m. To top it off Mr. Elsher forgot to mention this club is 45 minutes away from the city. Here I am rushing to the entrance of the club. Because this is a higher end club Mr. Elsher gave me an entrance pass. I show it to the bouncer. 

Once I am inside I catch my breath. Choosing my wardrobe shouldn't prioritize my client's safety, but I just got too caught up in petty things. Before I departed form Mr. Elsher's house he gave me money so I wouldn't show up dressed as a bodyguard or like a grandma, according to him. I did the best thing I could do, go all in. I'm wearing a silver dress that comes above my knees, has hits of glitter and spaghetti straps. For this occasion I decided to straighten my hair and put it up in a high ponytail. Because my hair is extremely curly, doing my hair took longer than it should have. As for makeup, I kept it simple as I am brown skinned, I was careful with limiting the amount of eyeshadow to apply on my eyes. 

I make my way through the club soaking in my surroundings. The place is just grand. Even surpasses the first club I found Mr. Elsher at. This club has a champagne tint environment with the employees wearing 1940's apparel. And like any club, there is music everywhere. 

Walking around to find Mr. Elsher, I get the need to get a drink to get me in the mood of this club. "Manhattan, please," The bartender nods at my request after I showed him my ID. I take out my phone to text Mr. Elsher and find out where in this club I can find him. 

"Manhattan. Anything else I can get you?" The bartender slides the drink in my direction. 

I tell him thank you and take my drink to continue to search for Mr. Elsher. Once I'm out of the bartenders sight, I chug the Manhattan in one gulp. 


I feel the alcohol burn my throat


 I sense the alcohol make its way through my body but fades before I can enjoy it. 

What I would give to be normal. 

I keep pushing through he crowd, where the music can be heard less. This part of the club, there are less people and more seats to be found. Looking around I lock eyes with a very stunned Mr. Elsher taking in my appearance. 

Word Count: 1291

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