Chapter 6

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Its no surprise now in days for a celebrity or actor to know how to sing or be musically inclined. Being a body guard for several years now, I've seen a fair amount of music studios to know how to distinguish an exclusive studio. Arriving earlier than expected at NW studios, New world music studios, Mr. Elsher has been grumpy about it. He didn't have much time to mope about it because as soon as we checked in we were greeted by the producer, Mr. New, "Welcome, Mr. Andrew. You sure like to be on time."

I glance at Mr. Elsher, knowing that he must must be thinking quite the opposite of that. I step in before Mr. Elsher can give the producer attitude, "Hello, Mr. New. We are glad to be here. My name is Ms. Tuffin Mr. Elsher's temporary bodyguard." 

"Bodyguard? We are just going to record an album. Why does he need a bodyguard?"

"Its just a precaution, Mr. New." I assure him.

"Alright. Follow me and lets get started." Mr. New guides us through the building and into the recording studio. "Here, we are, Mr. Andrew," He opens the door where Mr. Elsher will be recording his new album project. Mr. New move on to introducing Mr. Elsher to the recording team. He doesn't seem to give me much thought about introducing me. Mr. New lets Mr. Elsher know he is in good hands and to let him know if he needs anything, before he exits the room.

One of the team members gives me a glance, "Don't tell me you're his girlfriend?" the member with blond hair and green eyes asks the question loud enough for all the attention in the room to be directed to me. As soon as Mr. Elsher makes a disgusted look by harshly wrinkling his face. "Of course not. I'm his bodyguard. Becca Tuffin at your service," I stretch out my hand for him to shake. 

"You're a body guard? That's interesting. I'm Jake Alcott," he shakes my hand. "I take it you have a marital arts background." 

"You can say that," I give him a smile. I am not about to say I actually have more of a street fighting background because I was in a gang. Its not really a phase I am proud of. 

"I actually do a bit of boxing, but as I can see I am merely the recording guy." I humor him before the conversation gets interrupted. 

"Come on, Jake. You can flirt with the bodyguard later, we need to get Andrew in there before the day is over." A woman with a pixie hair cut nudges Jake to get to work, " I'm P.

"P?" I ask a little confused to why her name has one letter. 

"P for Patricia." She explains and then turns to Mr. Elsher, "We are all ready, just jump in the studio and we will take care of the rest. We're excited to hear what you wrote for us." 

After a few test trials on the equipment and varies another things like Mr. Elsher's voice check. I start picking up some of the lyrics as he gives the whole song a run through as per P's request. With his eyes closed and pouring his heart out, Mr. Elsher strums the guitar with such delicacy. 

I see you there waiting for me 

every morning with out a doubt there you are. 

Standing there, with a warm heart

with every last breath hoping for my presence. 

Wishing I could reach out to you,

But here I am imprison by reality of bitter sweet memories. 

Thinking of you and I,

I'll always come back to you.

What about, what about us?

What about, what about our love?

What about, what about you and I?

Our limited smiles have become endless tears. 

My heart longing for you,

wishing to be with you like before.

I am sorry, 

sorry for this life that we are both living. 

Never give up on us.

One day we will meet again and angels

will make us matter in this life and the next.

Never, never give me up. 

As his song comes to an end, P gives him a thumbs up and buzzes him to come into the studio to review his recording. "He wrote a ballad?" I ask Jake but its more of an inner thought. Its surprising that someone like Mr. Elsher would be very sentimental and capable of writing something like this. 

"Looks like it. Lately, he's been writing  a lot about a forbidden love or a longing of someone. And I obviously don't have to mention that he is an excellent singer." Jake informs me. 

"He's basically your typical teenager. Crushing on someone he can't have or maybe someone he shouldn't be around with," P gives a shrug. 

Maybe recently, he found someone he wants to spend the rest of his life with. That would explain why he doesn't want to do all this extra work. I don't want to be the person to rob him from the person he loves. Life already did that to me. Spending the rest of my life with the person I love is impossible for me. I am not about to do that to someone else. 

When Mr. Elsher entered the room, I must have looked awed because he boldly asks me, "What? Fell for me already?"

I roll my eyes, "Very funny. I am too old for that. " Love. Its not a possibility for me, at least not anymore. A woman like me can not love someone. 

"Here, are the lyrics to his song if you want to check it out as we listen to the recording," Jake hands me a copy of Mr. Elsher's song. I'm about to grab the paper when P snatches the paper from Jake. I wince as I receive a paper cut. 


A small blob of blood comes out of my finger. Sadly before I can hide the paper cut, P notices. "Shoot. I'm so sorry. I tend to be very clumsy. Let me get you get you something to clean that with, I'll be right back guys," she rushes out of the room. 


Jake and Mr. Elsher turn to me confused to what happened. I give them the sorry excuse that I needed a tissue. Just how she rushed out of the room, P burst through the doors to deliver me a band aid. "Here, this should work."

Just my luck, "Its fine. I don't need it. I promise I am fine." 

Jake turns around, "A band aid? What for?"

"I accidentally gave her-" To avoid any awkwardness I take it and put it in my pocket without taking out my supposedly injured hand.

"I'm fine. Let's just hear the recording." Redirecting the attention of everyone to Mr. Elsher's song, I step out  to have my finger out of everyone's view. Once I am in the hallway the coast is clear, I take out my hand where I had gotten the paper cut and analyze my finger. Nothing. There is no cut nor any trace of blood as there should be. That's my secret. A secret I need to take with me to my grave. 

Word Count: 1190

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