Chapter 10

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Mr. Elsher seemed only to be semi-conscious to our after clubbing adventure. Several times he tired to break into someone else's car by using his key. We bordered the plane to Italy and checked in the hotel, all on Sunday morning. I knew I had make preparation ahead of time, since Mr. Elsher would have been wasted if I took him home, and we would have probably missed the flight. Its almost 8: 00 p.m. here Italy, and Mr. Elsher has yet to wake up. I've been here reading a book as I sit by the window. All I've heard is Mr. Elsher groan as he tosses and turns in bed. 

Its been a while since my last time I came to Italy. It was known by a different home and run by a different person back when it was home. I believe on the the reasons I got the job as Mr. Elsher's bodyguard is because I know Italian. 

"Where are we?" I lower down my book to find a very tired and exhausted Mr. Elsher sitting up with a confused look. 

"It was about time. Good morning. Or should I say good night?" I tease him a little. 

"Good night? Weren't we at the club just a while ago? We were drinking shots, weren't we?" he rubs his forehead. 

I take a bowl of soup out of the microwave and set a table stand next to Mr. Elsher, "Here, it'll help with the hang over."

"I guess, I got too drunk to keep clubbing."

"Just a little."

He takes a slurp of the soup, "Where are we though?"


"The country?" He spits back some of the soup.

"No, the street." He gives me a blank stare, "I'm kidding. We're in Venice Italy."

"What? Why? Weren't we suppose to fly out Monday?"

"Yes, but you were to buzzed. So we flew out this morning."

"Morning? But- why didn't you tell me?"

"Well, you passed out. If I had waited for tomorrow you would have been too tired. Look, I promise I wouldn't make you work today. I tend to keep it."

"What's the point anyway? everything is closed. I either have stay in here or walk around a ghost town." He lays back on the bed.

"That's not entirely true." As I tell him that he lifts his head up intrigued. 

I finally convince Mr. Elsher to get dressed so we can head out and enjoy the rest of our Sunday night. Without telling him were we are going, I guide him to our destination. Once we arrive, he seems unimpressed that I brought him to a museum, "Its closed."

The Gallerie dell'Accademia is a museum that is closed after 7:15 p.m. but today I feel like living a little. "It looks like its closed but its it?" I give him a smirk and tell him to follow me. We find a upper window open to which I signal him that we are going to go through there. 

"You get mad at me for being late, yet you are encourage me to do something illegal." He whispers rushly. 

"At this point, you should be grateful that I am doing this with you. Plus, I am not going to let you get in trouble. Your always telling me old lady, you sound like an old man right now." I signal him to step on my hand so he can climb up the window. Hesitantly, he climbs over the window and into the museum. I follow him. 

There's pre-19th century art everywhere. The museum has a light tint of grey coming from the window on top letting the moonlight shine into the place. I turn to Mr. Elsher and signal him to follow me. We encounter a place that has a lot more windows that allow us to see the art pieces clearer. 

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