Chapter 3

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Very Few things make me uncomfortable, and a limited number of situations would make me upset; I am not a person of short-temper. But being the most lenient and forgiving person has only taught me that people only think about themselves; People are selfish. 

"Have you found him?," I ask the person on the other side of the phone, who goes by Browser.  

"Four, we don't have much time. We need the money to continue the search without it we can't do much."

"I know," I try to keep my composure. "I just need more time. Please give me more time." What I am doing is considered illegal, but it keeps my identity hidden from anyone who shouldn't know me. Browser, is the only way I can search for someone while I continue to blend in this society. He doesn't reveal my name nor do I reveal his.  Its not safe but secure. 

"If we don't get the money by the end of this week. We will be closing the search."

"No!" I try to clear out my head. "Look, I need more time. I promise I'll get the money this week. Just please don't close the search. I need to find this person."

"I understand, but we are trying a person who may not even exist. Every time we get a lead, it vanishes in an instant. "

My heart sinks. I know it might be impossible to find this person, but to live a normal life like everyone else, I need to search all the earth. I cannot leave a stone unturned. 

"Look, just keep searching and I'll get you the money." Browser hangs up without saying anything. Earlier I had called Browser to find Mr. Elsher,  which he did and now I have two problems in my hands. I don't get paid until next week, and with Mr. Elsher missing I might lose my job. Now that I know where Mr. Elsher is at, I need to bring him back to where he belongs. 

There was a time where I was part of a gang. What some may call a teen's rebelling stage, I went through a bitter stage, a very long bitter stage. The memory lives vividly in my mind. A part of my can never regret going there that night. I didn't grow up to join a gang, like everyone else I desired to change the world, to better it and to teach people to others care. But I never got to. Instead, with my bitterness growing, I did what my mind reasoned to do. 

Join the Phantoms.

By joining, I would no longer be alone, my life would have purpose even if that purpose was to harm others. All my rational thoughts were buried deep, but my conscious was never quite. I learned to fight, defend, lie and most of all blend in. Dominance, intimidation and threat, were all things I learned there. I never needed those before never thought I would, I was the typical good school girl. 

It obviously wasn't who I was. One can be taught to fire a gun, but no one can teach you to pull the trigger. I learned a lot there, many were bad things, but there were good things too. Loyalty, confidence, and saying no, things I never considered could be redefined. 

Back then my name was Moon.

And just like I was dressed back then I am wearing black all over, with the signature leather jacket. But this time, I am dragging my client back to where he belongs without mercy. So, here I am at Dazzle Nights, a club that I know isn't meant for kids under eighteen.

It took me all day to find this place, Mr. Elsher sure knew how to throw me off his tracks. That handkerchief was old information, I had to pay Browser extra to have Mr. Elsher located which took all evening. Dazzle Nights seems to be in the fancier end of clubs, maybe even made for specific people, like public figures. I called in a favor from an browser to hook me up with an entrance, I wouldn't doubt Mr. Elsher trying to keep me out. 

This place is in another level of a night club. The entrance has its typically buff looking bouncer, but once pass the entrance and into the actual place its an over whelming feeling. The ceiling is high but stopping at the beginning of the 3rd floor, which I am told this place has three floors. For a wild club place with the typical led and disco lights, its pretty refined. People on the dance floor, seating area and bar do not crowd each other, everyone seems to be minding their own business. 

I make my way to the bar, where quite a few people are simply keeping to themselves. I soak in everything and every person, being observant is important, especially with particular client. I ask for a long island ice tea. A little something to get my mood going. About down with my drink, a woman with a flashy dress in the color pink catches my eye because of how awe she is next to some guy. I roll my eyes, the poor girl doesn't know what she's doing. I continue my search of my client upstairs, where this girl is at. 

As I am passing through, out of curiosity I turn to see the man who has sweep this girl's heart. The club's dark lighting doesn't help when I take a glimpse of his face as he pulls away from the girl. Slowly, take in his appearance as I continue to walk,  blue yummy eyes, jet black hair and a sharp jawline. The pace of my steps slow down. My eyes widen. 

What a pain!

Without turning around, I decide to keep my distance now that I have found the spoiled brat I've been searching for. Careful not to draw attention to myself, I walk back to have Mr. Elsher in my view. He seems have stop making out with the girl and are both now arguing. She pushes him again and walks away. He's about to go after the girl, when I step in front of him and cross my arms. I don't plan to use force in a place full of people, I just hope he knows how to behave.  "Ugh, you got to be kidding me," The twinkle in his eyes are replaced by utter annoyance, I take it he hadn't notice me until now.

"What were you thinking? What exactly were you going to gain from running away, again." 

He rolls his eyes, "Chill, I am not going to rot away for some job. You shouldn't either."

"This may mean nothing to you, my job means everything to me."

"If you're after a couple of bucks. Then here," Taking out from his jacket he throws a couple of bills at my face. They scatter everywhere as they reach the ground, "Now leave me alone. Your job isn't even that important, if you were wise you would let me do what I want. Remember I am not just some escort, I am the escorted. People like you are an eye sore."

I grab his wrist before he can go, "You may be able to throw a couple of hundred of dollar here and there, but I have self-respect. I am going to do this job and I am going to do it right."

He scoffs in the most sarcastically way possible, "Really? Good luck with that." Mr. Elsher takes the first step down the stairs a man coming up the stairs sees him and his eyes darken. 


 The strange man pulls out a gun and he doesn't hesitate to pull the trigger. I pull Andrew away fast enough for the bullet to miss him, but it doesn't miss me. Despite the music being at its maximum volume, the gunshot has induced the start of the crowd running and screaming in panic. My body recognizes the pain. 


I wince at the pain  running through my shoulder and clench my wound in my fist. The sound is not too deep. 


I clench my wound with my fist to stop the bleeding. My shirt has soaked up most of the blood. 


 Everyone is running down the stairs to save themselves that I have lost sight of the man with the gun.


I look around to find Mr.Elsher, who I spot on the ground a few steps from me. 


Dragging my body toward him, I hear him groaning, "Are you hurt?" I give his body a quick pat to search for any wounds but I don't find any. Pulling him back must have given his head a bump, I can check that later. Right now, I need to get him out of here. I pull his arm upward as he continues to groan in pain, "Get up."

"Don't tell me what to do," He shakes my hand off just to curl back to a ball. 

I am not about to put up with his attitude in the middle of this. "You either get up or I leave you here to die." I don't actually mean that. Never would I leave someone in danger no matter how much of an annoyance they are. 

"Fine by me." 

"Andrew!" I am about to give him a good shake, when  I get a glimpse of the man who pulled the trigger trying to get through the crowd. "Get up, Andrew! Get up!" I pull him up. The  man gets a good look at Mr. Elsher and without hesitation he point the gun at him. "Run, you spoiled brat!" I push Mr. Elsher as I shield him a second time. 

The man pulls the trigger a second time.

Word Count: 1623

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