Chapter 14

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Hey everyone I'm back!!! Here's another chapter I thought of writing so I wrote it and published it for you amazing people!!!!!


Jasmine's POV:

I was waiting at the park for Lucy, Nick and Felix. There was no sign of any of them. That was strange.

I decided to walk around the perimeter of the park, and look for them as they were probably just somewhere else. It was a pretty big park after all.

There was this one spot in the park, near the top, left hand corner, that was really pretty and I absolutely loved it so I thought I would go and check to see if any of them were there.

Unfortunately no one was, but I decided to sit down and enjoy the trees and flowers for a few minutes.

All the intricate and detailed petals on each flower, none the same as another. The curves and cuts in the bark of the trees, and the-

Suddenly, I felt immense pain in the back of my head and everything faded to black......


Lucy's POV:

We decided to meet up again, this time at the park, and continue discussing the shipwreck situation.

When I got there, I saw Nick and Felix standing there, talking, but I couldn't see Jasmine anywhere which was weird.

Her bike was locked onto the bike rack so she had to be here somewhere.

I walked over to Nick and Felix and asked them,

"Where's Jasmine?"

Felix shrugged and replied, "We haven't seen her."

"She should be here cause her bike is there." I said.

"It is?" Nick asked.

I nodded 

"It's the dark blue one."

Felix turned to Nick and said,

"I told you that was her bike!"

Nick rolled his eyes and replied with a,  "whatever"

We decided to give Jasmine a few more minutes to come find us before we went looking for her ourselves. 

We got so engrossed in our conversation that we didn't even realise half an hour had passed until I looked down at my phone!

We decided we should definitely go look for Jasmine so we split up and went different ways in the park.

About an hour later we met up again and neither of us had seen Jasmine.

"That's not good..." I said, concerned about Jasmine. "We should probably call her and ask where she is."

Felix and Nick agreed so I called Jasmine's number on my phone. It started ringing but she didn't pick up.

I tried again. She still didn't pick up. That wasn't good at all.

"Maybe we should call her mum?" Felix suggested.

I nodded and typed in Jasmine's mum's phone number and called her.

She answered it.

"Hello, is that you Lucy?" She asked, I put her on speaker so Felix and Nick could hear as well.

"Yes it is." I replied, "we were just wondering if you know where Jasmine is, we were going to meet up at the park today but we can't find her and she isn't answering her phone."

"I don't know where Jasmine is, she left to go to the park a few hours ago, I haven't heard from her since."

"Oh, ok." 

"Please call me when you find her, I want to know she's alright."

"We'll do that." I agreed and then I said bye and hung up.

We continued looking around the park and even went into a few of the shops nearby, but nobody had seen her.

It was starting to get dark, yet we still hadn't found her.

That wasn't good... it wasn't good at all.

It meant the Jasmine was missing.


Unknown POV:

I had one of them.

I just needed to figure out how to get her to the boss. It is definitely going to look suspicious if I have an unconscious girl in my arms walking through the town.

Though once I somehow get her there, I would get a quarter of the money straight up, which was a pretty decent amount.

The boss wasn't very smart. Paying me straight away each time I got one of them? 

A quarter of the money was a lot, and that was only for one of them. So all I have to is get 2 of the kids and I'll be an instant billionaire!

And I won't even have to complete the mission! The boss had impossible standards anyway.

Once someone goes missing, parents are more protective.

Once two people go missing, especially from the same friend group, parents are even more protective and would never even think about letting their kids outside for unnecessary reasons. 

Which is why I wouldn't even be able to think about getting all four.

Maybe 3, but definitely not 4.

But at least I got one. That was all that mattered, for the moment.

Until I, Eric Leblanc, set my target on the next one.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

767 Words

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