Chapter 16

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Hi Everyone! Here's Chapter 16, I hope you enjoy it!!!

Lucy's POV

I was riding my bike around town, the afternoon sun scorching the left side of my face as it began to sink, I would need to be home soon. 

I was keeping an eye out for Jasmine, they still haven't found out anything more about her disappearance so the search missions have been scaled back. 

They say if she hasn't been found in a fortnight, they're going to announce she is dead and hold a funeral for her. I don't think she's dead though. Not yet at least.

 I was also just enjoying the nice scenery and the peace and quiet that was never around at home because of the twins.

I had just turned on to the road where Felix lives when a girl that looked very similar to him, just a little younger, came running up to me and said,

"Have you seen Felix?"

I shake my head no, "I haven't, are you looking for him?"

The girl replies, "yeah, mum says that he needs to be home soon, she's worried he's gonna be taken or something." She rolls her eyes at the last part.

So he's Felix's sister, I realised. That makes sense I guess, considering the both look so alike.

"I'll keep an eye out for him and tell him that if I see him." I reply.

The girl smiled and ran off.

I continued to ride around town, now keeping my eye out for both Jasmine and Felix, but I hadn't seen either and I had to get home so I hoped that Felix's sister had found him and I rode home.


I woke up during the middle of the night to hear sirens sounding and torches flashing all around.

I glanced at my clock. 


What would be happening at this hour of the morning?!

I walked sleepily downstairs to see the rest of my family, 

"What's going on?" I asked.

They shrugged.

We went outside to see what was happening, other families were to, all dressed in pyjamas.

The policemen, seeing all the people and confused faces announced on his loud microphone making everyone wince,

"Sorry for the interruption but the police have been alerted of another disappearance, this time Felix Jint, and we are getting onto it as soon as possible in hopes of finding Felix. Tomorrow morning there will be a town meeting at 9:00am sharp to discuss new measuring being put in place while these disappearances continue. Please tell other families who are not here to come."

Felix was missing.

There was no way. 

First Jasmine, now Felix? Nick would be devastated Felix is gone. They're like two peas in a pod.

I looked around at all the families going back into their houses. Nick and his family wasn't here, he didn't know. 

I went back into my room, something fishy was definitely going on here. 

There was definitely no coincidence Felix and Jasmine were both missing. I would have to bring it up with the police tomorrow if I remember.


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