Chapter 15

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Hi Everyone! Here's another chapter in celebration of 1K reads! I hope you enjoy it!!! 

Lucy's POV

Jasmine is officially missing. 

The whole town, including the police, have been looking everywhere for her for 2 days, both day and night.

There's posters with Jasmine's name and face on them, asking for people with information about her whereabouts and her disappearance to come forward.

The last place Jasmine was seen was at her house before she went to meet us at the park, but the last place there was a sign of her being there was at the park as her bike was locked onto the bike rack.

There's absolutely no other sign of where she might've been after that. It's just like she disappeared of the face of the earth without a trace.

It's really weird without Jasmine. And lonely. 

At school at our lunch table there's  always Jasmine's empty spot next to me. In class, there's always Jasmine's empty spot next to me.

It is absolutely depressing.

Jasmine's family are just as depressed.

Whenever you see them talking to the police, they have tear stained faces, red rimed eyes and they look like they hadn't slept at all.

The police have absolutely no idea what happened. They think she just went exploring somewhere while waiting for us and got lost and is most likely stuck somewhere, injured.

I don't think that's the case though. Jasmine knows her way around Shipwreck Bay and she would've answered her phone or at least found her way back, injured or not.

I reckon there's another reason why Jasmine's missing, a more sinister one.

We did just uncover a giant secret and for Jasmine to go missing not long after that, coincidence? 

I think not.

One thing doesn't add up though. We didn't tell anyone else about it besides ourselves so how did someone else find out?

And why is it so important to them that they did something to Jasmine?

And how long before it's me, Nick or Felix who's next?


"Hi," I said. I was on a call with Nick and Felix since Nick's parents weren't letting him outside a lot anymore.

He was only allowed out for school and he had to go straight back home after.

"Hi." Felix said glumly.

"Hey," Nick said, equally as depressed.

"I have an theory on what might've happened to Jasmine." I said to them.

"What is it???" They both asked in perfect unison.

I laughed at them and then shared the reason why I think that Jasmine's gone missing all of a sudden.

"So basically,  you're trying to tell us that you think that someone doesn't want us knowing more about Point Reyes so Jasmine's been..." Felix trailed off, not wanting to be the one to say it.

"Yeah..." I replied.

As much as I don't want to say it, or even think it for that matter either... but I think Jasmine's been kidnapped by someone who doesn't want us finding out anymore about Point Reyes.


Hope you liked it!

481 Words

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