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I cried too much I knew It wasn't worth it she had played with us, but it heart like crap to hear she was dead.

I went home after the incident. I didn't want to see my bestfriend get taken to jail and the girl I loved so much dead.

I cried enough tears that I thought I could even see my own reflection in them. And then it was clear that I really missed her.

The next day everyone knew about it. Apparently it had been on the news that Jacob had killed her due to jealousy.

I hated the fact that they said it that way.

I walked down the hallways with everyone's eyes on me.

My other friends ignored me they didn't even want to hang out with me.

After 4th period I couldn't take it anymore I got my bookbag and walked out the class ignoring the teacher yelling at me.

I walked out to my car and drove off.

"Dad I'm going to use some money to help Jacob out", I said through the phone while driving.

"But son he stole your girl and I know we have enough money, but he don't deserve anything from you", he told me making me realize he was not quite right, but either way I had my plan.

"Can I just take him out!?", I said half yelling at him and getting annoyed.

"Yes do whatever you want!", he sounded annoyed too.


I got to the police station and asked them I needed to talk to him.

I walked down a hallway that was very creepy and it was cold. Spiderwebs everywhere on the walls. I walked past guys that looked creepy. And some teenagers that looked drunk and were tattooed.

"Hey Jacob", I said while I could feel the anger rising up on me knowing he had killed her.

"Brother!", he said as he got up from the floor and came close to the small door.

"Look don't call me brother! I'm not your damn brother. I'm going to get you out of here, but don't fcking talk to me after your out of here", I said as I looked at his expression on his face changing.

"Alright thanks though and I'm sorry I never meant to kill her. It was an accident and I'm just so sor--

"Don't say anything anymore just forget about it", I didn't want to hear him say the word sorry cause I know he wouldn't mean it.


I paid the amount of money they asked for and after that I left him there and left.

The next day at school went pretty good I walked past him and ignored him. Everyone looked at him weird and with scared eyes.

I knew he was upset, but I was mad.

The months passed and then all of the sudden I noticed he was gone.

I drove over the weekend to his house. And I noticed that his house had a sign that said "for sale". The days passed and I forgot about him and everything. I was alone with no friends, but I was better.

Present day
Summer was coming soon and then eventually I started to pay attention around me. I had fallen for a new girl, but she had her own friends. And she was new so she wouldn't know about me.

Until one day she was with someone I least expected. Jacob!

I wasn't very happy, but yet I was going to try to forget her.

Until summer came quickly and I decided to go to camp to get away from everything and everyone.

And the third day of camp she bumped into me,but I had been rude to her due to the fact I had seen Jacob.

Now she was right in front of me and I had told her everything except the part that I liked her.


What if the story repeats again? What if crystal ends up dead too?

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