Out With The Old, In With The New

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When I sat down in an empty dancer's den, I didn't think none of the girls would show up. When Annie showed up, I felt a bit better, but not enough. Annie isn't even on the team, but yet, she had shown up. As we both stretched and talked, Abby walked into the room.

"Girls?" She asks, looking around. Her eyes soon fell on the two of us. "Where are the others?"

I shrugged, uninformed of the situation. Annie looked around the room before repeating my action.

"Well, go into studio "A" for the pyramid," Abby tells me, not looking satisfied by our answers. I stood up as Annie continued stretching. "You too, Annie."

For that, Annie's eyes widened. Abby left the room as I grabbed her hand and helped her stand up. The two of us then entered studio "A".

"Why am I even here?" Annie asks. "Or is she replacing someone with me?"

"Maybe she wants you to try out," I explain, clearly unsure. "Let's just wait until the rest get here. Meanwhile, how many turns can you do?"

The next twenty minutes were spent competing with each other, seeing who did more turns. While that happened, I caught a glimpse of the pyramid, which was already revealed.


Ally   Nia

Giselle   Kendall   Chloe   Mackenzie

It was a bit weird not seeing the Hylands or Evie's headshots with ours. It was also weird seeing Ally's instead, but who knew. I rolled down to the floor as I caught my breath as Annie laughed.

"I won!" She exclaims.

At that moment, she fell out of her turns.

"Huh," I comment. "Look at that."

Ally entered the room, looking confused.

"Hey." Annie smiles. "Oh, you're her." She pointed to the headshot.

"Yes, she's her," I tell the eight-year-old before looking up at the teenager. "Are any of the other girls out there?"

Ally shook her head in response. "Neither are the mothers."

Okay, that's weird.

The moms entered the studio at the same time. Where could they have gone?

"And mine?" I ask as Ally starts stretching.

"Yours and mine." She answers.

The door opens and Abby enters the room, looking rather annoyed.

"The three of you have solos." She simply tells us before leaving again.

The three of us looked at each other before smiling.

We all had solos.

Something I hadn't realized was that the girls never showed up and neither did the moms. My Mom sat in the viewing room, joined by Shelly and Katie. Starting with Ally's solo first, I sat on a prop as Annie practiced some tricks.

"Take that right foot, and turn it out, and dig it really hard," Abby instructs the older girl.

Noticing the camera from the corner of my eye, I looked over to Annie and smiled. Once the camera was moved away, I went back to watching Ally learn her solo. The next day of rehearsal was definitely something. Abby called three new girls in. Kaeli, Bella, and Sophia. According to Abby, they were all way better than Maddie. Even though I could see they were really good, I didn't want to compare them. I learned my entire solo, Annie learned hers, and we were all slowly getting ready for the competition this weekend.

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