Clash Of The Chloes

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The soft music continued blasting from the small white speakers ― which stood on each side of the small silver laptop ― as I did a leap in the air. Landing on the ground with a gentle thud, I hurried to prepare for the next part-- but I then jolted to a stop. The music continued playing in the background as I looked up at my reflection in the giant mirrors the studio had. Raising my right arm slightly, I started playing with the black strap of the gray and black sports bra I wore.

I heard one of the assistants telling something to the other person who was in the room with us. She cleared her throat before calling me. "Come here, Ginny."

I looked over my right shoulder to see the twenty-something-year-old assistant and the much older woman. Slightly embarrassed, I walked over to them. I stood right in front of them with my arms crossed over my back when the assistant spoke. "How are we going to make you remember the next part?"

I poked my lower lip out as I shrugged in response. A strand of blonde hair fell from the messy bun my hair was currently in. As I attempted to fix it, the door that led to the stairs which led to the "viewing room", as the mothers would call it opened, and one of the senior dancers, Gianna, peeked her head inside.

"Ness, Abby needs you at the front desk." The brunette announced.

"Did she tear it down again?" Nessa joked as she stood up from the foldable white chair.

Right as Gianna opened her mouth to answer, Mrs. Miller talked. "Not yet, but it'll be by Saturday."

The comment made both Nessa and Gianna laugh as they left the room. I smiled feeling confused and turned back to the woman. I kept a smile on my face even if I was overly confused by everything that was going on at the moment.

She clicked the laptop's touchpad once, stopping the song. "Have you thought about a way of remembering the tricks you're supposed to do?"

"Miss Abby told me to study them," I answered. "But I keep forgetting to do the turns."

"What about giving it different names?" She suggested. "Call the turns something similar that remembers you of that and see if it works."

"Like what?" I questioned, tilting my head slightly to the right.

"Something that keeps on turning." Mrs. Miller explained. "Like a spinning top."

"I also have to do a chin stand," I commented. "Could it be, like, twister? Like the game?"

"It has to work." She told me. "If that name works, then try it out."

"I'm back," Nessa announced, hurrying back to her seat. "Christi needed some help at the gift shop to find something."

"Miss Ginny has something to show you." Mrs. Miller smiled and turned back to look at me. "Right?"

I nodded eagerly and skipped back to the center of the room. When the music resumed playing, I took the advice, and it went well.

I won a regional award and got to wear a sash, a tiara, and a dress for the rest of the dance season. Each time, Mrs. Miller and I made up more names for the different tricks as I advanced. Soon, there were over twenty names, and we were the only two people who knew about them. Those tricks then helped me to win more competitions, and soon enough, I didn't need those anymore, so I kept them exclusively for when the dance wasn't a choreographed routine.

Three years later when I was seven years old I got the opportunity to make up a routine to audition for a documentary that was going to be filmed at the studio. I rehearsed it hundreds of times, but each time I changed something. At that moment, I had to use the nickname system again, and mixing it with a solo routine I had performed about two months earlier, I finished the routine and filmed it.

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