Sister Showdown

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"I want to talk about our win. We were up against Cathy-- the wicked witch, and we won the high score." Miss Abby started off. "Obviously, Cheryl and Fallon are gone. Whether I still consider them for my new team or not, we'll see." And she then started off with the pyramid. "Mackenzie. You didn't go. You weren't there." Kenzie nodded. "Nia, the group was called "Red with Envy". Your facial expressions were over the top, but they weren't correct."

Holly shrugged in disbelief.

"Payton, you can't be a baby." The teacher explained. "We have a baby-- that's Mackenzie and she's not even a baby anymore."

Maybe she's referring to the headpiece incident from last year? Because if it isn't that, it does not make sense whatsoever.

"She just wasn't happy--" Leslie defended her daughter.

"I know, but we don't care if she's happy." Miss Abby snapped at the mother.

"But that's just it--"

"Get it through your head--"

"--You don't care that she--"

"--That's ridiculous--"

I tried my hardest to not freak out this time around. Leslie and Miss Abby arguing had never been good so far, but I didn't want to run out of the room this time around. Luckily, their argument wasn't long, but it resulted in both Ackermans storming out of the room, but they came back within ten minutes. Obviously, to make it seem like it hadn't been so long, the teacher continued with the pyramid.

"Giselle, you were behind the rest most of the time. You cannot spend all of your time looking at your sister to know what goes next." She revealed the next headshot. "Chloe. You were great in the number. You're used to doing roles like that. You carried off the facial expressions quite well. And just think, if you were home-schooled like Evie and Maddie, you would be improving that much faster. And that's, again, with your mother, you need to speak up and say, "No, I need to be there, mom. Dance comes first"."

It's not like she ever speaks up.

"Maddie. Outstanding performance. You were just off the charts. It was amazing." Miss Abby revealed the second headshot in the pyramid. "Evie. Same as Maddie. Your acting alone made the routine be worthy of first place."


Genevieve   Maddie   Chloe

Giselle   Payton   Nia    Mackenzie

And again, it still doesn't bring me back to the top. This time because of Kendall, out of all people.

"We're attending a new competition this weekend. World-Class Talent Competition in Rockville, Maryland." She announced. "Now, you can all see that Leslie is here, and her daughter, Payton. You were brought on because I had an idea, a concept, a piece that I want to do, and I needed somebody to be my lead. We are going to do our version of Kinky Boots."

Everyone cheered for a moment before Nia spoke up. "Isn't Kinky Boots about drag queens?"

"Yes. It is." Miss Abby nodded in response. "The group routine-- everybody's in it, and it's called "Lift You Up". It is about confidence. It's about showbiz, it's about performing, and it's about strutting on that stage with confidence. Everybody gets that?" Some of us nodded. "In addition to the group, I have four solos. Maddie and Mackenzie will be competing against each other. Mackenzie, you are doing one of Maddie's old solos. Maddie, you will be doing a tap routine, and your routine is called "The Game Of Love"."

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